SOG 409 Flashcards
SOG 409
Wild Land Fires
Fire Readiness Levels (FRL)
FRL 1 - Little or no fire activity anticipated
FRL 2 - Some routine fire anticipated
FRL 3 - Very active fire anticipated
FRL 4 - Fire situation expected to be difficult
FRL 5 - Fire situation is extreme and ability to respond will exceed district capability
The drought index is a measure of the ______ taken daily by DOF. It ranges from ______. The higher the number the ______ the moisture.
Water content of the soil
Lower the moisture
Command will be established on all wild land fires involving an ______.
FRL 3 or greater.
Wild fires: Companies with considerable brush and urban interface fire potential shall size up those areas with regards to the following areas:
1) Life hazards
2) Exposure
3) Access roads
4) Water supply
5) Natural fire breaks
Wild Land Fires: Structure Triage:
A structure may be deemed hopeless when one of the following conditions exist:
- 25% or more of the roof involved
- Water supply low
- Personnel safety is at risk
Wild Land Fires: Structure Triage:
Tactical Guidelines:
- 15 minute commitment
- 1 unit per structure in isolated areas
- 1 unit per 2 structures in subdivision
- Limit hose lay to 200ft
The fire is considered contained when there is 100% extinguishment within ______ of the fire line.
When the drought index reaches ______ the fires needs to be checked daily until it is ______.
400 or higher
it is cold
The acronym LCES stands for:
Escape Route
Safety Zones
In addition to LCES the following guidelines should be followed:
- Stay mobile
- Back apparatus in
- Don’t park under powerlines
- Close apparatus doors and windows
- Maintain 25% of booster tanks capacity for your protection.
The following PPE is to be worn as issued, when fighting wild land fires:
- Bunker pants and boots
- Light weight brush coat
- Gloves
- Helmet with hood
If committed to a structure fire associated with wild land fire, ______ PPE shall be worn.
Full structural
For wild land fires requiring extended on scene commitment of personnel or when deemed appropriate by the IC members may wear the following:
- Approved nomex pants
- Approved 8 inch leather wild land certified boots
- Light weight brush coat
- Leather work gloves
- Approved helmet