Soft tissue mobilization Flashcards
Gel-to-sol model
- Connective tissue is a colloidal substance
- thixotropy
- heat or pressure changes ground substances from a dense gel to a more liquid state
Piezoelectric model
- Piezo (pressure) electricity exists in crystals
- CT behaves like a crystal
- fibroblast and fibroclast activity influenced by charge
- reticular crystal structure with simmetric disposition of positive and negative electric charges
- tetragonal structure (orthorombic) crystalles (dipoles) are with electric oriented charges
Stress strain curve
Viscoelastic properties of tissue
- Viscosity: ability to resist flow
- elasticity: ability to rebound from deformation
Stress strain curve: toe region
represents settling of the structure being tested, includes taking up slack
Stress strain curve: elastic zone
deformation within elastic group is reversible
Stress strain curve: plastic zone
usually results in permanent deformation
Stress strain curve: neck
after attaining ultimate stress the tissue begins to fail
* initally microfailure, tissues narrow (necking)
Stress strain curve: failure point
sudden decrease in stress while strain continues to rise
- decrease means that substance of the material has began to fail
Stress/Strain:Loading/ unloading
- discrepancy: during unloading the stress is lower for any given strain than during loading
- difference is called hysteresis represents energy lost during test
Stress/Strain: repeated loading
-stress/strain curve looks identical yet starts at the new length
Stress/Strain: creep
apply constant load to a structure and it lengthens over time
-greater length achieved with longer duration and less load
Stress/Strain: hysteresis
- heat generated by mechanically loading structures
- increase in temp can affect mechanical properties of a structure
Stress/Strain: effects of speed
most substances stiffer with higher loading rates, will fail at higher stresses and lower strains (tear paper or tape quick)
Stress/Strain: effects of temp
- most substances less stiff at higher temps, will fail at higher strain and lower stress
- tissues can be heated to easier induce plastic elongation, or cooled to be more brittle and easier to tear
Response of myofascial tissue to immobilization
Loss of ground substance
- glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and water
- loss of interfiber lubrication
- loss of interfiber distance
- results in new cross links that adhere to adjacent collagen fibers
- half life of collagen is 300-500 days half life of ground substance is 1.7-7 days
Traumatized vs untraumatized CT
- results in fibrosis
- results in scar tissue formation and contracture
Does the biomechanical model fit what we see in the clinic?
- Permanent elongation of collagen fibers requires a force to achieve 3-8% fiber elongation will result in fiber tearing and inflammation
- 1-1.5% elongation occurs after 80 minutes of continuous straining without fiber tearing
Muscle spindle type 1a receptors
- within muscle parallel to muscle fibers
- response to muscle stretch
- reduction in tone of antagonist, increased tone in agonist
Golgi type 1b receptors
- Musculotendonous junctions, attachment sites of aponeuroses, ligaments of peripheral joints, joint capsules
- response to GTO= muscular contraction
- response to GEO= too strong stretch only
- tonus decrease in associated motor units
Pacini and paciniform type II receptors
- myotendonous junctions, deep layers of joint capsules, spinal ligaments
- respond to rapid pressure changes and vibration
- Proprioceptive feedback for movement control
Ruffini type II receptors
- Ligaments of peripheral joints, dura mater, outer layers of jt capsules
- respond to sustained pressure, tangential forces ( lateral stretches)
- inhibition of sympathetic activity
Interstitial type III and type IV receptors (50% high threshold, 50% low threshold)
- most abundant receptor type
- found almost everywhere
- respond to rapid as well as sustained pressure changes; HPT, LPT
- changes on vasodilation, plasma extravasation
Mechanoreceptors and local fluid dynamics: interstitial (type III & IV)
- changes in vasodilation leading to changes in fascial arteriole and capillary pressure, plasma extravasation
Mechanoreceptors and local fluid dynamics: ruffini (type II)
inhibition of sympathetic activity