sociology_george cards Flashcards
what is the study of human society
the ability to connect the most basic intimate aspect of an individual’s life to seemingly impersonal and remote historical focus
Sociological imagination
who translated comte to English, wrote “theory and practice” “morals and manners” took on institution of marriage claiming inferiority of women. one of the earliest feminist social scientists?
Harriet Martineau
who created an alternative to capitalism, provided theoretical basis for communism, and believed that the class system divided history?
Karl Marx
who is most famous for his work on economy and society. Also wrote “protestant ethic” and “spirit of capitalism”. Verstehen(understanding in german) is his most important contribution?
max Webber
who wished to understand how society holds together and relate to one another, how capitalism and industrialization transformed society and allowed folks to relate to one another. wrote “divisions of labor in society”
Emile durkheihm
durkheihm argues that one of the main social forces leading to suicide is the sense of normlessness resulting in drastic changes in living conditions which he calls?
durkheihm is considered the founding practitioner of this strain within sociology that believes the social world can be described and predicted by a certain observable relationship.
positivist sociology
this means understanding in german, where researchers try to imagine themselves in other positions in society. to truly understand why people act the way they do
who established “formal sociology” his work was influential to developing urban, and cultural sociology
George Simmel
who devoloped the concept of “double consciousness” the first black man to receive PhD from Harvard, undertake ethonogrophy of black community, and founded the naacp
WEB DuBois
a mechanism by which african americans constantly maintain two behavorial scripts. concept conceived by web DuBois
double conciousness
one of the few female sociologists at chicogo college author of “substance and methodology”founded hull house. first U.S settlement that attempted to link ideas of the university to the poor through a full service community center
Jane Addams
_________ means various institutions and processes exist to serve an important or necessary function to keep society running?
what is the Idea that competing interests is the basic animating force of social change and society in general
conflict theory
_______ is the catchall theory that emphasises inequality in women: belief that sociology and society in general subordinate women
feminist theory
_______ - shared meanings, orientation and assumptions form the basic motivations behind people’s actions
symbolic interactions
_______ is the notion that symbolic interactions have eroded; condition characterized by a questioning of the notion of progress and history, and there is no longer one theory of history that is correct
_________ is an entity that exists because people behave as if it exists and whose existence is perpetrated as people and social institutions act in accordance with the widely agreed upon formal, and informal norms associated with that entity. ex: racism
social construction
_______theory that attempts to predict how certain social institutions tend to function
midrange theory
________ relies on data gathered through participant observations and other qualitative methodologies. face to face interactions between individuals
_______ is generally concerned with dynamics at a higher level of analysis uses qualitative methods, but across a wider spectrum of society such as gender norms and immagration
______ is a complex group of interdependent positions that together form a social role and reproduce themselves over time
social institution
_______ function is conscious deliberate and beneficial to society, consequences that people observe or expect.
manifest functions
_______ function is unintended, has a positive effect on society, neither recognized or intended
latent functions
______ is freedom from constraint/ hurts other people. ex: “I’m not free unless I can do what I want”
negative freedom
_______ is freedom to empower yourself that doesn’t hurt other people
positive freedom
means of production “power”
private property
keep as much money as possible
profit motive
“hands off” the government doesn’t regulate the market
lassier faire
greed is good- you tell the market what to do
individualism in the economic theory
name the 3 defining characteristics of capitalism
1.private property- means of production owned by capitalist. 2.labor market. 3.profit motive
what’s wrong with individualism
it narrows our understanding of freedom. makes it more difficult to consider problems as structural and legitimates isololation
_______ are limited perspectives from which we see the world such as our city neighbors, our family and our circle of friends
private orbits
_______ is a private ignorant person who chose not to take part in public affairs
Athenian idiot
Marx’s term ______ referring to means whereby material goods is carried on in society
means of production
______ is the supply of available workers in relation to available work
labor market
the desire for profit that motivates one to engage in business ventures
profit motive
______ is an untrue division into two opposing parts
false dichotomy
_______ are variables that are not explained within the system and are taken as a given
exogenous variables
_______ are variables that are explained within the system
endogenous variable
what is the study of human race’s
this means that findings are subject to change ex: population, method, sample
______ is the process by which we collectively create culture
social construction
- stimulus. 2. interpretation. 3. response. the process by which we analyze speech and conversation
symbolic interaction process
________claims that the cause must come before the effect
time order
cause is individual # affected is one/few
cause is social/structural # affected is many
with science we follow which 3 step process
- observation. 2. speculation. 3. falsification
______ is a proposed relationship between 2 variables
______ means you can gather information that you could use to reject your hypothesis
social scientists have standard approaches that they follow in investigating our questions these are called?
research methods
method in which you use numerical data?
quantitative methods
a method used to describe something without using numbers?
_______ starts with a theory forms of hypothesis makes empirical observations and then analyzes the data to confirm reject or modify the original Theory?
deductive approach
_________starts with empirical observations and then Works to form a theory
an inductive approach
______ is when a change in one factor causes a change in another
with ______ you think A is causing B when in fact B is causing A
reverse causality
______ variable is outcome
dependent variable
______ variable whose variation does not depend on that of another
independent variable
the process of assigning a precise method for measuring a term being examined for use in a particular study is called
measures what you intended it to
the likelihood that you are going to obtain the same result using the same measure the next time
the extent to which we can claim that our findings inform us about a group larger than the one we studied
________ refers to Circular relationships between cause and effect
conducting of scientific investigations and generating Theory from an explicitly feminist standpoint
feminist methodology
this approach means to uncover the meanings people give to their own social actions and those of others by observing their behavior in practice
participant observation
ordered series of questions intended to elicit information from respondents
_______ method collects data from written reports newspaper articles journals transcripts television programs Diaries artwork and other artifacts that date back to the period They want to study
historical methods
researcher Compares two or more entities with the intent of learning more about the factors that differ between them
comparative research
_______ is a systematic analysis of the content in written or recorded material
content analysis
_______ is a systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables and controls and measures any change in other variables
experimental method
_______ is the action or process of forming a concept or idea of something
______ is a relationship in which two or more events or variables are not causally related to each other
measures that can change or have different values
______ are special independent variables that represent alternative explanations
control variable
what is E.A.S.E.
ethnography archival survey experiment
_______ is a set of entities that share some characteristics
a subset of the population is a _____
a non probability sample is a ______
convenience sample
both independent and dependent at the same time what kind of variable is this?
intervening variable
______ = fake false counterfeit
a good relationship is what kind of relationship?
non spurious
what does T.O.N.I.C stand for?
time order, nonspuriousness, intervening, correlation
______ is a statement about a category that acknowledges individual variation
_______ are exaggerated distorts or untrue generalizations about categories of people that do not acknowledge individual variations
one in which trained employees of the researcher are matched on all characteristics except the one being tested for discrimination
______ is the sum of the social categories and Concepts we recognized in addition to our beliefs behaviors (except the instinctual ones) and practices
both the belief that one’s own culture or group is superior to others and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of One’s Own
_______ is a culture which includes values beliefs behaviors and social norms
non material culture
_______ is a culture which is everything that is a part of our constructed physical environment including technology
material culture
______ means it takes time for culture to catch up with technological innovations
cultural lag
_______ is swapping out one set of meanings values and/or languages on the Fly
code switch
________ is a system of Concepts and relationships and understanding of cause and effect
_______ takes into account the differences across cultures without passing judgment or assigning value
cultural relativism
_______ are modes of behavior and understanding that are not Universal or natural shape our Notions of gender
cultural Scripts
_______ are how values are put into play
______ is the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society
_______ states that culture is a projection of social structures and relationships into the public sphere
reflection Theory
what are the 3 steps in the symbolic interaction process?
- stimulus. 2. interpretation. 3. response.
Sociological imagination
the ability to connect the most basic intimate aspect of an individual’s life to seemingly impersonal and remote historical focus