Chapter 1 - terms Flashcards
> > clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
> > (of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden; concealed.
> > independent, free, self-governed
> > Aimlessness / despair that arises when people can no longer expect life to be predictable
Too little social regulation
Condition by which society provides little moral guidance
Emile Durkheim
Conflict Theory
> > Conflicts / competing interests animating force(s) of any society
Conflict drives social change and is necessary for social growth
Who benefits?
Double Consciousness
> > Mechanism by which African American’s constantly maintain two scripts
> > Minority group experiencing prejudice from majority requires them to have a double-consciousness
WEB Du Bois, speaking specifically about African Americans in US
Emile Durkheim
> > wrote “division of labor in society”
how capitalism and industrialization have transformed society and ways people relate to another
degree by which jobs are specialized
A “founding father” of sociology
Feminist Theory
> > emphasis on women’s experience
> > Various social institutions and processes in society exist to serve some purpose / important function to keep society running
What purpose is served?
Harriet Martineau
> > Early feminist
Translated comte’s work on positivism
Education (the way we educate children)
State of government
Marriage – assumption of inferiority of women
Jane Addams
> > Methodology of community put into practice many of the Chicago School theories at Hull House
Karl Marx
> > “founding father” of sociology
provided theoretical basis for communism (abolish private property)
what drives history
conflicts between social classes is what drove change throughout history
saw history as man’s struggle to gain control and dominate social environment
IR – people became slaves to industry
> > Branch of sociology concerted with social dynamics across the breadth of society
Manifest Function
> > Intended consequences
|»_space; Example: no child left behind (manifest function is increase ed. Outcome for all children)
Latent function
> > hidden consequence
|»_space; example no child left behind’s actual effect.
Max Weber
> > Argued that Marx was too simple.
understanding social life required understanding culture and politics too.
A founding father of sociology
> > Branch of sociology that seeks to understand local interaction contests. It’s methods of choice are ethnographic, participant observation and in-depth interviews
Midrange Theory
> > Attempts to predict how certain social institutions tend to function
Positivist Sociology
> > Social world is governed by laws in a way that is similar to the way the natural world is governed by laws (eg. gravity)
> > Shared meanings have eroded
Social institution
> > Complex group of interdependent positions that together perform a social ruole and reproduce themselves over time
Works to shape behavior of groups / people within it
Example: college, legal system, labor market, language
Sociological Imagination / Perspective
> > Connection between individuals and social context
Connects individuals to society. Useful to understand other perspectives and greater issues in society
Individuals are important but social forces are too
Enlightened understanding of (1) how the world works (2) how we fit into it (3) how we can fix it
Enables the possessor (of SP) to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and eternal career of individuals. (mills)
To understand a person, we have to understand their social context.
Individuals do not have sole control over their own future. Society does not have sole control over you either.
Entails thinking about individuals as socially embedded within a social context that is inseparable from our identities.
> > Science that studies human behavior. Science is a systematic approach.
Symbolic Interactionism
> > What meaning do people give to social phenomena
Shared meanings orientations and assumptions form basic motivations behind people’s actions
Meaning is in people’s interactions
> > Approach social behavior from perspective of those engaging in it
Understand the meaning people attach to their actions
Emphasis on subjectivity
Foundation of interpretive sociology
WEB DuBois
> > Double consciousness
Chicago school
First African American to get a PHD from Harvard
Capitalism 3 defining characteristics:
(1) Private property >>Consumables, products >>Means of production = >>POWER (2)Labor market (3)Profit motive
Private Property
> > Important to capitalism
Consumables / products
Means of production (affords power)
Private Orbits
> > Limited perspective
Personal bubble
Predictable patterns of behavior
Daily routines
One’s experiences that shape them. Tells us about social forces
People feel trapped in their private orbits b/c they do not see their troubles as being part of social issues
Means of production
> > physical, non-human inputs used for the productionof economic value, such as facilities, machinery, tools, infrastructural capital and natural capital.
Affords power in capitalist society
Labor market
> > Important to capitalism
Profit motive
> > Capitalist motive is profit, not people
|»_space; Important to capitalism
Ted Kaczynski a radical individualist [5 reasons why]
(1) Intentionally avoided personal relationships
(2) Physically separated himself from others
(3) Believed he could live entirely separate from any community
(4) Developed a program for social reform while in isolation
(5) Developed private strategy to impose reform through violence that destroyed lives of others
The Athenian “idiot”
> > Able to participate in civic life but chose not to. Have a huge privilege but choose not to use it
Pointing the finger at individualist.
False dichotomy
> > Radical individualists subscribe to the false dichotomy of individuals vs. society
Two category scheme (good and evil or fauna and flora)
False if it doesn’t accurately describe
Individualistic thinkers, he thought individual was separate from society
Negative freedom
> > Freedom from constraint
I’m not free unless I can do what I want
Can hurt other people
Freedom of speech?
Positive freedom
> > Empower yourself but do not damage other’s
Individualism (3-part definition)
1) privileges the individual over the group, private life over public life and personal expression over social experience.
2) Autonomy, independence and self-reliance are highly valued and thought to be natural
3) Ones choices are the (main) cause of one’s destiny. Choices responsible for your experience.
3 analytical problems of individualism
> > Narrows definition of freedom
Blinds us to see structural causes
Legitimate social isolation
Individualism in Economic theory:
> > greed is good
|»_space; laissez faire
Aphorisms of individualism
> > You have no one to blame but yourself
|»_space; Think for yourself
> > Cause is social force / structure / greater than individual, whole groups affected
> > Cause is individual, affects a few people
Sapir Whorf Hypothesis
language determines a native speaker’s perception and categorization of experience.