sociology test 2nd October 2020 Flashcards
criticisms of traditional Marxists
feminists accuse traditional Marxist theory of ignoring the role of patriarchy in rule creation and social control.
what do Marxist argue about social control
is essential to keep order. however, they say capitalism is an exploitive system which requires systems of social control over populations to prevent rebellion and revolution.
who do Marxist say benefit from social control
the ruling class and works against the interest of the majority working class
instil shared culture internalise shared norms and values
what do Marxist say about the capitalist society
the capitalist society causes crime. capitalist society is “crimogenic” (leads to crime)
according to Marxist what do laws reflect
they’re a reflection of the ruling class interests, as the ruling class are responsible for law making.
chambliss and mandoff
property law serves to keep WC people away from the property and land of the rich
Pearce (1976)
suggested that even the laws which supposedly protect WC (e.g. health and safety laws, consumer laws) are really in ruling-class interests. he said that the system needs healthy, safe and loyal workers
argues that WC crimes such as burglary don’t cause as much harm as corporate crime such as health and safety laws
ruling class ideology
presents WC crime as threat to society, largely through the media, meanwhile, corporate crime get little media condemnation and are treated leniently by the legal system
The difference between right realists and left realists
Right Realism tends to focus on the individual as being responsible for crime, arguing that we need to get tough on criminals to reduce crime.
Left Realists on the other hand argue that inequality is the main cause of crime and we need more community interventions to reduce crime.
What did lea and young say that social policy on crime need to accept
Crime other than white-collar crimes are a problem
There has been a rise in crime since the Second World War
Kingsley Lea and young
Say that British policing policy needs to be centred on creating and maintained good communication between police and local communities
Why does there need to be good communication between the police and the public
The public report most crimes to the police and provide most evidence to solve crimes this results in the police needing the public
Consensus policing
Police act on the local community’s instructions rather than in isolation
How do Kingsley lea and young say the police need to do to improve crime
Full proper investigation to fathom on crime which hasn’t been reduced in recent years
Need to improve detection rates
What do left realists say relative deprivation causes
Subcultures and crime
Why do lea and young believe that relative deprivation is a major factor leading to crime
When an I did visual feels deprived in relations to similar social groups, they can turn to crime to “solve” the problem and acquire the resources to remove the feeling
How can rising standard of living lead to rising crime rates
Advertising Vs the media present individuals with images of what they could have and what others got
What do left realist believe is a result of relative deprivation
Criminal subcultures
What left realists believe social order will come from
A fair and just society
Criticisms for left realists
Critics say that if left realists were right there’d be more crime
Hughes says that left realists haven’t explained why some people who experience relative deprivation see crime as a solution and others don’t. He argues that there would be slot more crime if relative deprivation was the main cause
Critics say that Kingsley lea and young didn’t collect enough data to develop a full theory of crime. Their theory only focuses on properly crime
What do right realists believe are the three main causes of crime
A lack of socialisation
Rational choice
Wilson and herrnstein
traits such as aggressiveness, extroversion, and low intelligence makes some people predisposed to commit crime.
Why do Wilson and herrnstein argue that lone parent families are more likely to have criminal children
Because their socialisation hasn’t been complete
Claims that the higher the risk of going to prison the less likely people are to commit crime
Beloved individuals commit crime because the gains out weighs the chances of being caught and punished.
Wilson and kelling
Say that damage to the neighbourhood has to be put right straight away or problems of crime delinquency quickly get out of hand.this is called broken window idea-their article says that tolerating just one broken window sends the message that you can get away with crime
Criticism of tight realism
The idea that criminals are biologically different is rejected by many as it comes from discredited theories
Mathews didn’t find any evidence that tolerating broken windows leads to crime
Critics also say that zero tolerance policies have led to a big rise in us prison population
Zero tolerance policy
Issue harsh policies for the smallest crime as a deterrent to future offenders
Realist theory
Crime is a real problem not a social construction