Social Structure and Demographics Flashcards
The study of society: how we create society, how we interact with it, how we define what is normal and abnormal in society
Focuses on large groups and social structures
Focuses on small groups and the individual
Social structure
A system of people within a society organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships
Functionalism aka functional analysis
The study of the structure and function of each part of society
Function of society
The beneficial consequences of people’s actions. They help keep a society in balance
Dysfunctions of society
The harmful consequences of people’s actions as they undermine a social system’s equilibrium
Manifest function
A functioned intended to help a part of a system
Latent function
An unintended positive consequence of an action
Conflict theory
Based on Marx. Focuses on how power differential are created and how these differential contribute to the maintenance of social order
Symbolic interactionism
The study of the ways individuals interact trough a shared understanding of words, gestures, and other symbols. Symbols are the key to understanding how we view the world and communicate with one another
Things we attach meaning to
Social constructionism
How individuals put together their social reality
Rational choice theory
Based on decision-making in an individual and attempted to reduce this process to a careful consideration of benefits and harms to the individual. A mental pros and cons list
Exchange theory
An extension of rational choice theory. While rational choice theory focuses on the individual, this theory is based on interactions in groups.
Feminist theory
Attempts to explain social inequalities that exist on the basis of gender. Focuses on the subordination of women through social structures and institutional discrimination
Gender roles
The behaviors that are expected of a given gender
Being viewed as a sexual object
Glass ceiling
The phenomenon in which women are less frequently promoted in the workplace and may have more difficulty attaining top-level administrative positions within a company
Social institutions
Well established social structures that dictate certain patterns of behavior or relationships and are accepted as a fundamental part of the culture
Hidden curriculum
A side effect of education. A way of transmitting social norms, attitudes, and beliefs to students
Teacher expectancy
The idea that teacher tend to get what they expect from students
A pattern of social activities around a set of beliefs and practices that seek to address the meaning of existence
Norm of healthcare system. The physician has a responsibility to act in the patient’s best interest