____ ____ refers to a society’s categorization of its people into rankings
- social stratification
How does Philippines categorize the society?
- Wealth, power, and income
Social Stratification persists over ____. It is very old. In almost all the ancient civilizations, the differences between the rich and poor, humble and powerful existed.
- generations
Social Classes in the Philippines
- Maginoo (noble class like Datu)
- Maharlika (warrior class)
- Timawa (freemen)
- Alipin (dependent class) and has two classifications (aliping namamahay o serfs, aliping saguiguilid o slaves)
Social Stratification is _____. It happens everywhere but takes different forms across different societies.
- universal
Social Stratification is _____. It has two important consequences, one is “life chances” and the other one is “life style”.
- consequential
____ is the interests, opinions and behaviors of an individual or group
- lifestyle
_____ refers to an individual’s opportunities to improve their chances of “doing well” for themselves and improve their quality of life.
- life chances
two (2) general forms of stratification
- Class and Caste systems
____ is a “closed” system. The status of a person is hereditary.
- caste
India Caste System
- Brahmins (priests and teachers)
- Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers)
- Vaishyas (farmers, traders and merchants)
- Shudras (labourers)
- Dalita/outcastes (street sweepers, latrine cleaners)
____ is an “open” system. Movement from one status to another has no barrier. It is determined by the talents, wealth, money, intelligence, power, education, income, etc of a person.
- class
Social Stratification Symbols
- wealth (refers to material possessions. Ex: land, livestock, buildings, money, etc.)
- power (refers to the degree to which individuals or groups can impose their will on others, with or without the consent of others)
- prestige (relates to the amount of esteem or honor associated with social positions)
- Functionalism
- Conflict Theory
Functionalism according to Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore
- Davis and Moore argue that the most difficult jobs in any society are the most necessary and require the highest rewards and compensation.
Conflict Theory according to Karl Marx
- Karl Marx based his theory on the idea that society has two classes of people: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat
- Marx argued that the bourgeoisie (owners) give proletariats (workers) just enough compensation to survive, but the workers are exploited.
What is Social Inequality?
- refers to the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society.