Social Preferences in Public Goods and Prisoner's Dilemma Games Flashcards
When does an individual exhibit social preferences?
When the individual cares about others’ payoffs
monetary payoffs in the payoff matrix given to players do not necessarily represent what?
the players’ utilities
What is a social dilemma?
An interactive decision where individual interest is at odds with collective interest, the pursuit of individual self-interest by every decision maker leaving everyone worse off than if each had acted cooperatively
- strategic interaction
- what is individually rational is not socially efficient
What is the most efficient outcome in a Prisoner’s Dilemma?
both cooperate. When both are selfish they get the lower total surplus - both defect
Dominant strategy - both defect
What is Nash Equilibrium in Prison’s Dilemma game?
Both defect
What is a dominant strategy?
A strategy X strictly dominates a strategy Y if choosing X is better than choosing Y no matter what the other player does
- gives you a higher payoff compared to the other option, no matter what the other player does
- In the Prisoner’s Dilemma the strategy Defect strictly dominates the strategy Cooperate no matter what the other player does
What is a Nash equilibrium?
NE (in pure strategies): Strategy profile where each player’s strategy is a best response to the other strategies in the profile.
idea: No player can be better off by unilaterally changing their strategy
Real world examples of Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Price setting duopoly (D = charge low price, C = charge high price).
- Working on a joint project (D = not to work hard, C= to work hard)
What is the takeaway from Prisoner’s Dilemma?
It cannot be expected that an efficient outcome will be achieved based on player’s self interest
- illustrate situations where gains from cooperation cannot be achieved (or are difficult to achieve) as it is individually rational for each player to defect.
Empirical Findings: individuals play (Cooperate, Cooperate) more often than predicted by theory. - consider different utility functions.
Prisoner’s Dilemma played by two egoists/ selfish
U(x, y) = square root x
NE: (Defect, Defect)
Pareto-superior outcome: (Cooperate, Cooperate)
Prisoner’s Dilemma played by two utilitarians
u(x, y) = square root of x + square root of y
- Two Nash-equilibria: (Cooperate, Cooperate) and (Defect, Defect)
- Pareto-Superior equilibrium (Cooperate, Cooperate)
Prison’s Dilemma played by two enviers
u(x, y) = square root of x - square root of y
- Nash Equilibrium: (Defect, Defect)
- Game is transformed so that (Cooperate, Cooperate) is no longer a Pareto-superior outcome
Prisoner’s Dilemma played by two Rawlsians
u(x, y) = min (square root x, square root y)
- Two Nah-equilibria: (Cooperate, Cooperate) and (Defect, Defect)
- Pareto-superior equilibrium: (Cooperate, Cooperate)
Which two preferences help explain cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma as they transform the (Cooperate, Cooperate) outcome in a Nash equilibrium - making it consistent with individual rationality for players
Utilitarian and Rawlsian preferences
What is a Public Goods Dilemma?
- Situation where all individuals can benefit from cooperating (contributing) to a common good
- However, each individual has incentive (dominant strategy) to free ride (not cooperate, not contribute)
- Individually rational outcome =/ (does not equal) socially efficient outcome