social influences and eating behaviour Flashcards
social facilitation
when people eat in groups they eat more than if they are alone (Hermans et al, 2003)
Social facilitation social correlation (De castro and De castro, 1989)
Clendenen, Herman and Polivey (1994)
Social correlation- 44% greater intake when eating with others.
Clendenen, Herman & Polivy (1994) : solo, eating in pairs or groups of 4. Greater intake in pairs and 4s compared to solo. (no diff between the two), greater oreo intake amongst friends compared to strangers in pairs and 4s
Time extension theory de Castro (1995)
meals take longer in groups, more exposure to food.
why Arousal zajonc (1965)
arousal could activate appetite
- unlikely because arousal suppresses appetite.
not monitoring intake
reduced awareness of fullness
when a confederate eats more - eat more
when a confederate eats less- eat less
modelling - attraction
Pliner and Chaiken (1990)
females ate significantly less in the attractive male condition
self presentation- eat less to display more feminine identity
descriptive social norms
what people do
injunctive social norms
what people approve of
Robinson, Fleming and Higgs (2014) vegetables descriptive
descriptive health message increase veg intake in low consumers but didnt differ for high consumers.
Thomas et al (2017) resturant
7% increase in sales
Stok, de Ridder, de Vet and Wit (2014)
high school, self report fruit intake.
descriptive, injunctive or control in high school students. Injunctive norm had no effect on fruit intake compared to control but descriptive did.
Dynamic social norms
how others behaviour is changing over time
Sparkman and Walton- greater intentions to eat less meat
Robinson (2015) interventions apply to public health- porttion control
INdividual differences
Social acceptance
High need for social acceptnce
robinson et al (2011) low self esteem and high empathy associated with greater modelling
body weight
greater modelling if they have an equal body weight
in vs. outgroup
Undesirable outgroup norm = unhealthy eating = greater healthy eating
Outgroup norm = healgthy eating – less likely to eat healthy Cruwys et al (2015).