lecture 1- key concepts in adult attachment Flashcards
John Bowlbys attachment theory
Need close attachment to survice and thrive, it is an innate behavioural system .
The attachment behavioural system develops in the first year of life
Harlows monkeys
the attachment behavioural system
Attachment behaviours are activated under conditions of threat
-most common reason for children to cry is being left alone
When attachment system is activated the exploration system is deactivated.
Ainsworth (1978) attachment in infants
Secure attachment predicts academic achievement.
Insecure toddlers tend to have shorter attention spans and perform worse on cognitive tasks than secure toddlers (Frankel and Bates (1990) main (1983) Moss and St- Laurent (2001)).
Secures are more engaged in joint reading (Bus and Van (1997)
Develop better pre- reading skills (Bus
Hazan and SHaver (1987) love quiz
adult romantic love is an attachment process similar to childrens
Bartholomew and Horowitz (1991) dimensional
split 3 attachment tyoes into 4
Brennan, Clar and Shaver (1998)
these measures and make the experience in close relationship scale (ECR). IT measures attachment along two dimensions of insecurity: Avoidance of intimacy and anxiety and abandonment.
Low anxiety, high avoidance
I am comfortable without close relationships- independent and self sufficient)
B and H (1991) 18%
F and H (2001) 23%
high anxiety high avoidance
Fearful (I am uncomfortable getting close to others, I want to be close but find it difficult to trust others completely, worry that I get too close)
B and H (1991) 15%
F and H (2001) 17%
low anxiety low avoidance
Secure (Easy)
B and H (1991) 57%
F and H (2001) 41%
high anxiety low avoidance
Preoccupied (I want to be close but find others are reluctant to get as close as I would like, sometimes I worry people don’t value me like I value them).
B and H (1991) 10%
F and H (2001) 19%
Attachment styles as strategies of affect regulation.
Avoidance- deactivating strategies, downplaying. Suppressing negative affect, deactivating attachment behaviours.
Anxiety- hyperactivating strategies, emphasising negative affect, hyper activating attachment behaviours.
Airport separation study. (57% separating 43% flying together)
High avoidant men and women were less likely to seek proximity and support.
Anxious women reported more distress
Highly anxious men were less likely to maintain contact.
Intrapersonal consequences- (within)
self esteem, mental health, coping, social support, physical health, pain tolerance, emotion regulation
cargving, parenting, empathy, prosocial behaviour, prejudice/ discrimination
Bowlby- Internal working models, or schemas: different attachments for different people.
Our general attachment style is based on a whole range of experiences availability and accessibility o these experiences (balwin et al., (1996)
Attachment styles as schema: attachment styles cab be made salient by priming. Priming procedures can be relationship specific or generic. Can be subliminal/ supraliminal.
Row and Carnelley (2003) priming
examinied the effects of rimed attachment styles recall of positive and negative attachment word targets. Results showed that pps recalled words congruent with the style they were primed with. True for interpersonal expectations with primed securs having the most positive interpersonal expectations and primed anxious having the most negative interpersonal expectations.
could secure priming be used??
- Improve relationship expectations, slef views and attachment anxiety
- Felt security via text message boosters
- Compassion altruism
- Negative reactions to outgroups
- Cognitive openness
- Pain threshold and tolerance.
Insecure avoidant, anxious avoidant
- caregivers rejecting (positive view of self and neg of others)
Ainsworth Insecure resistant/ anxious ambivalent
inconsistent parenting (nega view of self, angry view of others)
Ainsworth disorganised/ disoriented
caregiver is frightened or frightening