Social Influence - Conformity Flashcards
How an individual or small group change their behaviour or attitudes as a result of influence from a larger group
Explanations of why people conform
- Informational social influence
- Normative social influence
Informational social influence
The desire to be right
Some ppl will change their thoughts and actions because they are uncertain what to think or do in a situation, so look to the majority for information on what to do. More likely to occur in ambiguous situations . More likely to result in internalisation
Normative social influence
The desire to be liked
Sometimes we change our behaviour because we want to be liked and accepted by those in the majority . Most likely to result in compliance, where we change our public behaviour for the period of time we are with the group, but maintain their own private beliefs and revert back to our former behaviour as soon as we leave the situation.
Sherif’s study - explanations of conformity
Using auto kinetic gives support /
Variables that affect conformity
- Group size (of majority)
- Unanimity
- Task difficulty
When everyone in the groups agrees on one thing, all have the same attitude