Issues and Debates (culture&gender) Flashcards
What is gender bias
The differential treatment or representation of men and women based on stereotypes or real differences
What is an alpha bias
Exaggerating the differences between men and women.
What is beta bias
Ignoring or minimising the sex differences by assuming that the findings from males can apply equally to females and vice versa
Examples of beta biases in study
- Milgram’s obedience study (only make ppts but generalised to everyone)
- Asch conformity research
- Zimbardo prison study
What is Androcentrism
The consequences of beta bias and occurs when all behaviour is compared to a male standard, often to neglect women’s POV.
- leads to female behaviour being misunderstood or pathologised.
Example of theory with androcentrism
- Freud’s theory that everyone wanted to be male and women had penis envy
- Making men look superior to women and exaggerating the differences
Who argued that alpha bias, beta bias and androcentrism exists in psychology
Hare-Mustin & Marecek
What is gynocentrism
- Focusing on the female perspective of behaviour
Example of gynocentric research
- Mary Ainsworth (strange situation) as only focuses on mothers attachment w child
What is universality
The aim to develop theories that apply to all people , which may include real differences.
What is cultural bias
Tendency to judge all cultures based on your own cultural assumptions.
What is cultural relativism
Behaviour must be understood from the perspective of a specific culture
Examples of cultural relativism
- Milgram’s obedience study using 40 male Americans but later replicated using Spanish students (Miranda et al) and Australian students . However Milgram’s original results were specifically bound to American culture
What can cultural relativism lead to?
- Alpha bias - where assumptions of real differences lead psychologist to overlook universals.
- Beta bias - some behaviours are statistically infrequent in one culture may be more frequent in another. Schizophrenia is claiming to hear voices but this experience is more common in African cultures
Alpha bias in cross cultural research
- the differences made between Individualistic and collectivist cultures
- Individualistic cultures are less orientated to group norms and value the needs of the group over he
Who devised emic-etic distinction?
Berrry 1969
Imposed etic
Assuming the behaviour from outside of a given culture can be applied universally
Imposed emic
Examines behaviour within a culture & identifies behaviours that are specific to that culture
What is ethnocentrism
- Seeing the world from our POV and our cultural perspective and evaluating other groups of people using the standards from our own culture.
Examples of ethnocentrism
- Ainsworth’s strange situation is an example of cultural relativism due to suggesting that a secure attachment was based of moderate separation and stranger anxiety. Therefore German kids who showed little separation and stranger anxiety were seen and insecure-avoidant (cold and rejecting)
What is alpha bias in culture
Exaggerating the difference between culture
What is beta bias in culture
Ignoring or minimising the differences between culture (Ainsworth’s strange situation)
What did Takano and Osaka find about alpha biases between collectivist and individualistic cultures
They found in 14/15 studies that compared to the US and Japan that there wasn’t a common view about differences in conformity.
- Suggests that there is led of a collectivist/individualistic divide in an increasingly global world