Social influence Flashcards
What is meant by Normative social influence?
Desire to be liked
Desire for the approval of others and acceptance
What is the result of Normative social influence?
What is meant by Informational social influence?
Desire to be right
Look to others to give information about how to behave/think in new/ambiguous situations.
What is the result of Informational social influence?
What are the strengths of Normative social influence?
Asch- Correct answer was obvious yet individuals conformed to the wrong answer for the approval as they didn’t want to stand out.
Garandeau and Cillessen-found that children who had a greater need for social acceptance were the most likely to conform to a group bullying another child, despite being uncomfortable with the behaviour.
What are the strengths of Informational social influence?
Sherif- unambiguous task with no obvious answer so they looked to others for help and advice.
Wittenbrink and Henley-Gave participants about African Americans being linked to criminality. Found that the participants overestimated the percentage of African Americans who had spent time in prison.
What was the aim of Zimbardo’s prison study?
To investigate whether brutality of guards was to due with their personality- the dispositional hypothesis- or whether it was to do with the power structure- situational hypothesis.
What was the procedure of the study?
75 volunteers were recruited from newspaper advertisements which asked for volunteers for a 2 week prison study.
24 were chosen out of the 75 based on their mental health- chose the most well-adjusted and stable participants.
Participants were allocated either prisoner or guard.
Local police arrested the prisoners without warning and took them down to
What are the variables affecting conformity?
Group size
Task difficulty
What is meant by group size as a variable for affecting conformity?
Asch found that conformity increased as the number of confederates rose.
Latane and Wolf- suggested that adding more numbers can increase conformity.
What is meant by unanimity?
Conformity is most likely to occur when the confederates are unanimous in their answers.
Asch-found that conformity decreased from 37% of critical trials down to 5.5%. He concluded that the presence of a dissenter led to a reduction in conformity.
Also found that just breaking the unanimity of the majority is sufficient enough to reduce conformity by reducing the need for social approval.
What is meant by task difficulty?
If the task is difficult then conformity increased.
Individual differences
What was the aim of Asch’s experiment into conformity?
To see if individuals would conform to a majority when presented with an unambiguous task.
What was the procedure for Asch’s experiment into conformity?
123 male students
Picked 1 naïve participant that was placed in a group of 7-9 other individuals who were confederates.
Participants task was to say aloud which of the 3 comparison lines matched the standard line, the correct answer was always obvious but the confederates were told to give the wrong answer.
The naïve participant was always last to answer.
What were the findings from Asch’s experiment into conformity?
26% of the participants never conformed at all and remained independent in giving the correct answer.
74% conformed and gave the wrong answer.
What percentage of the participants never conformed?
What percentage of the participants did conform?
What are limitations to Asch’s study?
Demand characteristics as the participants know they are in a study.
All male- cannot generalise the findings
Low ecological validity- Lab study and artificial
Ethical Issues- caused participants to doubt themselves.
What are the strengths of Asch’s study?
Meta Analysis Bond- Supports group size
Latane and Wolf-Supportive of group size
Lab experiment- Shows power of peer pressure as confederates are strangers so disapproval will have little meaning.
Perrin and Spencer-Used engineering students who are trained in accuracy and more confident- results were similar to Asch’s
Deception was necessary and debriefing occurred afterwards.
What is the definition of obedience?
Refers to the type of social influence in which an individual complies with a direct order from an authoritative figure.