SOCIAL IDENTITY & CHANGE - 2.3.1 The Construction of Social Identity Flashcards
Define Structuration
Giddens - Theory of society invented claiming human behaviour is caused by a combination of structure and agency
Define Sampling Frame
A list of who may take part in a sociological study
Define Subculture
A culture with its own seperate values, practices and beliefs, that is in a broader mainstream culture
Define Social Class
A socio-economic status and identity that is hierachically organised based on occupation, wealth, income, and life chances
Define Social Stratification
A social ranking system based on wealth, income, race, education and power
Define Satipatthana
A Buddhist concept focussing on mindfulness or the awareness of others
Define the Caste System
A religious and ascribed system of stratification.
Mainly found in India and Indian communities. People are categorised into 5 status groups detemining their occupation and hindu concept of religious purity
Define Jati
The Caste System
Define Dalit
The non-caste of ‘untouchables’ that occupy the lowest social rung of the Indian caste system and who do the dirtiest jobs
Define Middle Class
These occupations require a professional qualification / those managing capitalism on behalf the capitalist class. The group is highly rewarded in terms of income and status
Define Unskilled Class / Underclass
The lowest social stratum / status group found in the society, made up of unskilled, low paid and most likely unemployed and welfare-dependent poor
Define Super-Rich / Uber-Wealthy
An expression used describing the richest 1% of billionaires and multi-millionaires
Define Upper Class
Social group that contains the highest status in the society. The status is often inherited. Also called the ‘ruling class’
Define Symbiotic
Define Social Closure
Exclusionary practices that is employed by the wealthy high-status groups to protect their monopoly and ownership of wealth and property.
It prevents other groups to become a part of this class
Define Deferred Gratification
The ability to forego / postpone gratification or pleasure now by deciding to gain greater rewards later
(eg, saving for the future / studying for a degree)
Define Collectivism
Practicing / the principle of giving a group priority over each individual within it
Define Class Consciousness
Marxist = being aware of one’s place in the social class system
Define Socialism
Left-wing political ideology / set of beliefs stating that people are equal and should enjoy equal opportunities in relation to access to education, qualifications, jobs and wealth creation
Define Populism
System of ideas that support the will of people
Define Xenophobic
Fear / hatred of foreigners
eg, refugees / migrants
Define Precariat
People with insecure employment and income
specifically when considered in class
Define Gig Economy
Labour market that is characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts / freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs