What did the 2010-11 British Crime Survey show about households that are more likely to be burgled?
Young households, lone parents and the unemployed are more than twice as likely to be burgled than an average household.
What did Kinsey’s Merseyside crime survey show?
The poor suffer more than the wealthy from the effects of crime.
Which age group are most likely to be a victim of crime?
Young people.
What did the CSEW find when they asked 10-15 year olds about their experience of crime?
12% had been victims of crime.
56% were categorised as violent crimes.
Which ethnic groups were more likely to be victims of personal crime according to the 2012/13 CSEW?
Mixed, black and asian ethnic groups.
How much more likely are black people to be murdered than white people according to the Home Office from 2005?
5 times more likely.
What did Hanmer and Saunders find in their study of women in Leeds?
20% of the women had been sexually assaulted but not reported it.
What were the reasons Walklate found for why women stay in abusive relationships?
- Nowhere to go.
- Children.
- Lack of economic independence
What did Sutherland point out about criminal statistics?
Higher in the lower class than in the upper class.
What did the Social Exclusion Unit report in 2002?
Many prisoners have a history of social exclusion.
How much of crime is committed by males according to police recorded crime figures?
What does official crime data suggest about the peak age for offending for girls and boys?
Girls = 15 Boys = 18
What does McVie argue about the relationship between age and offending?
Not so clear-cut.
Data is often grouped together for everyone over 21, making it impossible to identify trends.
What is the ‘chivalry thesis’?
Clear differences in the patterns of offending in terms of gender have been challenged by those who argue that females are treated more leniently.
What are the stop and search statistics according to data from the ministry of justice?
Black people were stopped and searched seven times more than white people in 2009/10.
What do Bowling and Philips point out about the Crown Prosecution Service?
More likely to drop cases put forward by the police involving black suspects, as they are charged on inadequate evidence.