Social Economic Determinants of Health - Diabetes/Obesity Flashcards
What demographic does death take in Africa?
What demographic does death take in high income countries?
Out of every ten deaths, how many occur because of
- Non-communicable disease (group II)?
- Communicable, reproductive, or nutritional conditions (group I)?
- Injury (group III)?
Group I = 3
Group II = 6
Group III = 1
Which populations are majorly impacted by group I conditions?
Poor populations
Why do group I conditions decline at a faster rate than group II and III conditions?
Because of epidemiological transition
Are males or females more affected by group III conditions?
What is the leading cause of death?
Cardiovascular diseases
- Ischaemic heart disease
- Cerebrovascular disease
Do males or females die more of cardiovascular diseases?
What do unintentional injuries include?
Sexual assault
Do males or females die more of unintentional injuries?
What do intentional injuries include?
Do males or females die more of intentional injuries?
Where do the largest number of deaths of children occur?
In poorest parts of world
- Africa
- South-East Asia
What is the biggest cause of death among people aged 15 to 59 in Africa?
What is the biggest cause of death among people aged 15 and 59 in the Americas?
What is the biggest cause of death among people aged 15 and 59 in Europe?
Injuries and cardiovascular diseases
How are causes of death expected to change into the future?
Most group I causes expected to decline
- Mostly because of epidemiological shift
Group II causes expected to increase
Road traffic accidents expected to increases, but offset by decrease in other unintentional injuries
What is the biggest cause of morbidity globally?
What is the leading risk factor for mortality globally?
High blood pressure
What is the leading risk factor for burden of disease globally?
Childhood underweight
What are some environmental risks contributing to child mortality?
Unsafe water
Sanitation issues
Indoor smoke
What risk factors are responsible for more than half the deaths due to heart disease globally?
Low fruit and vegetable intake Lack of exercise Alcohol and tobacco use High body mass index High cholesterol High blood glucose High blood pressure
What is responsible for virtually all deaths due to cervical cancer?
Unsafe sex
What individual factors are part of the key determinants of obesity?
Genes Prenatal and postnatal influences Behaviour - Diet - Exercise
What social and economic factors are part of the key determinants of obesity?
Formulation, promotion/advertising, availability, and cost of food and beverages
National and community culture
Income, education, and employment levels
Peer and family influences
Urban planning discouraging/encouraging activity
Availability/cost of public transport