Social & Cultural Diversity Flashcards
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss: hispanics
60M in US
20 different nationalities
Mexico & Puerto Rico are largest groups
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss what is expected by 2050
all minority groups combined will be > the non-hispanic white population
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, discuss facts about language
21% of kids over 4yrs old speak another language in addition to English
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss the median age in the US
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, who is the oldest age group?
non-hispanic whites
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss facts about baby boomers.
born 1946-1964
10k boomers turn 65 every day
17% of the population is >65
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss baby buster generation.
AKA Generation X
born 1964-1976
known for wanting excitement, facts (right answers), stimulation, exciting jobs, options open
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss Millenials.
AKA Gen Y, Nexters, Echo Boomers, Internet Generation
Largest living generation next to Gen X individuals
raised to be self-confident, tech aware, multiculturally inclusive, goal oriented, civic minded
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss marriage
> 50% of marriages begin as cohabitations (6% of all adults). This leads to:
- decrease in marriage rate
- increase in age of 1st marriage
- increase in children born out of wedlock
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, what % of households consist of a married couple w/children? How many children on average?
(2&2: Two people comprise a marriage for 2 kids)
21% of households consist of married couple and children
families average <2 children
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, discuss marriage and divorce
> 40% of first marriages end in separation/divorce
remarriages decreased as cohabitation is more accepted
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, what is the ‘sandwich generation?’
People who care for their kids and elderly parents
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, what % of pop are females?
females comprise 51% of pop
what is life expectancy in the us?
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, discuss women in the labor force
women =47% of labor force
58% of all women in labor force (vs 69% for men)
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, discuss what has happened in the past decade wrt adolescents.
% of adolescents with a driver’s license, who’ve tried alcohol, have dated, and work for pay has DECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY
what ratio of people are married to smn of different race/ethnicity?
1 in 6 ppl
what ratio and age range of ppl live with their parents?
1 in 3 ppl age 18-34 live w/parents. this was 1 in 5 in 1975
what % of children are born to unmarried women? what is this attributable to?
40% of children born to unmarried women, and majority of them occur within cohabitating unions
What is an example of biological factors and what do they do?
ex: hormones
they influence development
what are social factors and examples?
social factors interact w/biological and physical characteristics during one’s development
Major social factors are:
parents and parenting style
peers and modeling of behavior
TV and social media
at wht age is gender identity typically established?
People are products of how many different cultures? LIst them.
Universal: we are biologically alike as human beings
Ecological: we are influenced by where we live (cold/hot climate). language is influenced by what we eat, wear, live
National: represents a country with the same (one) language
- a govt establish laws, policies, insitutions
- country has worldviews and citizens socialize each other
Regional: represents culture specific to region (ie, South, Midwest)
Racio-Ethnic: race, which are assumed biological differences including physical features used to identify majority and minority groups
define race
assumed biological differences including physical features used to identify majority and minority groups
Define ethnic
refers to practices, learning of a group and style of living that are regionally or culturally based
what is social class?
different levels of material possessions or economic advantage
related to social class are:
- values, assets, worldview, relationship style, opportunities
what characterizes ethnic groups?
differences bw members such as:
values, attitudes, behaviors, education, racial identiy development, acculturation, socioeconomic
what is Cultural Pluralism
Refers to individuals with special concerns and needs or seek respect, representation, development in society.
multiple cultures coexisting
Ex; race, ethnicity, gender, age, marital status, socioeconomic status…
What are cultural norms?
represent a group’s basic interpretation of life
provide the values for living and lifestyle
Defn of prejudice?
Preconceived judgment or opinion w/o grounds or sufficient knowledge
Defn of racism?
the belief that some races are inherently superior to others.
Can be expressed on:
- individual basis
- institutional basis
- cultural (societal) basis
What is disproportionality?
Treating some school age children differently.
Leads to unneeded special services, less-rigorous curriculum, lower expectations, more disciplinary actions
What is ethnocentrism?
the belief that one’s ethnicity is at the center of everything; that it sets the standard.
may cause intergenerational conflict when younger members adopt the attitudes and behaviors of cultures around them
Acculturation represents how individuals identify with a dominant culture and take on its norms and values.
the extent to which one adopts the values, beliefs, and customs of the dominant culture
Assimilation (in terms of social diversity)
Assimilation refers to how much individuals are “absorbed” into a dominant culture and lose their source culture’s norms and values.
the extent to which one becomes part of the dominant culture (is absorbed into), losing their own original values and behaviors
Historically speaking, discuss cultural differences
science has historically attributed differences between minorities and whites.
pathology and deficiency were associated with minorities
Arthur Jensen
what continued his line of thinking?
(think: Jen in Jensen = Genetic)
suggested genetic differences in intelligence; that intelligence is genetic and that blacks had the lowest
“The Bell Curve” by Hernstein and Murray, continued Jensen’s line of thinking
Cultural encapsulation
What is it and who coined it?
term coined by Gilbert Wrenn (think how a Wren bird encapsulates their nest).
refers to the tendency for counselors to inadvertently isolate themselves from cultural diversity by relying solely on their own cultural lens
Term refers to:
- substitution of model stereotypes for the real world
- disregarding cultural variations–believing in some universal notion of truth
- use of a technique-oriented definition (ex, a Gestalt therapist who only uses gestalt techniques with every client and every issue)
what is world view?
What are the types of world views?
refers to how an individual perceives his or her relationship to the world
2 Types of worldviews:
Etic: universal viewpoint; same applies for everybody. Think etiquette, outsider’s perspective; belief that you need to udnerstand and help othrs from THEIR perspectives and THEIR culture (“et”=ExTernal, ouTside)
Emic: internal; belief that you have a global view of humanity; that we are more similar than different; focus on similarities. (“em”=me, insider perspective)
network therapy
a type of multicultural counseling that involves members of immediate and extended family and community (ie spiritual or religious leaders)
what did Atkinson suggest?
that traditional ‘time-bound, space bound, cathartic psychotherapy” may not be relevant to cross-cultural clients.
Instead, role of counselor should be one of advocate, change agent, consultant, advisor, facilitator of spiritual healing, facilitator of indigenous support systems
Who were Ivey, D’Andrea, and Ivey
developed multicultural counseling theory that emphasized use of indigenous roles and to strike a balance bw individual, family and culture
Said most counseling reln’ps foster devpmt of new neurons and networks.
—>Cultural neuroscience
Ivey…&…Ivey= I=Indigenous roles and Balance bw individuals and family
white counselors often have a _______ perspective and view of the world
there is a need to ascertain the assumptions that cross-cultural clients bring, T/F?
Counselors have underlying assumptions. What are they and who are they typically of?
Typically of white middle class counselors
- concern and respect for uniqueness of client
- emphasis on inherent worth and dignity for all
- priority on helping others reach self-determined goals
- valuing freedom and oppty to explore one’s characteristics
- future oriented promise of a better life
Characteristics of Counseling
2 Cs and an L
Culture-bound values: tends to be individually centered w/ expressiveness (behavioral, emotional), w/defined communication patterns, openness, and intimacy
Class-bound values: strict adherence to a time schedule (think class in school), ambiguous/unstructured approach to problems, seeking long-range goals/solutions
Language variables: English is the standard, focus on verbal communication