Social & Cultural Diversity Flashcards
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss: hispanics
60M in US
20 different nationalities
Mexico & Puerto Rico are largest groups
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss what is expected by 2050
all minority groups combined will be > the non-hispanic white population
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, discuss facts about language
21% of kids over 4yrs old speak another language in addition to English
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss the median age in the US
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, who is the oldest age group?
non-hispanic whites
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss facts about baby boomers.
born 1946-1964
10k boomers turn 65 every day
17% of the population is >65
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss baby buster generation.
AKA Generation X
born 1964-1976
known for wanting excitement, facts (right answers), stimulation, exciting jobs, options open
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss Millenials.
AKA Gen Y, Nexters, Echo Boomers, Internet Generation
Largest living generation next to Gen X individuals
raised to be self-confident, tech aware, multiculturally inclusive, goal oriented, civic minded
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US discuss marriage
> 50% of marriages begin as cohabitations (6% of all adults). This leads to:
- decrease in marriage rate
- increase in age of 1st marriage
- increase in children born out of wedlock
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, what % of households consist of a married couple w/children? How many children on average?
(2&2: Two people comprise a marriage for 2 kids)
21% of households consist of married couple and children
families average <2 children
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, discuss marriage and divorce
> 40% of first marriages end in separation/divorce
remarriages decreased as cohabitation is more accepted
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, what is the ‘sandwich generation?’
People who care for their kids and elderly parents
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, what % of pop are females?
females comprise 51% of pop
what is life expectancy in the us?
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, discuss women in the labor force
women =47% of labor force
58% of all women in labor force (vs 69% for men)
Regarding Demographics and other Characteristics in the US, discuss what has happened in the past decade wrt adolescents.
% of adolescents with a driver’s license, who’ve tried alcohol, have dated, and work for pay has DECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY
what ratio of people are married to smn of different race/ethnicity?
1 in 6 ppl
what ratio and age range of ppl live with their parents?
1 in 3 ppl age 18-34 live w/parents. this was 1 in 5 in 1975
what % of children are born to unmarried women? what is this attributable to?
40% of children born to unmarried women, and majority of them occur within cohabitating unions
What is an example of biological factors and what do they do?
ex: hormones
they influence development
what are social factors and examples?
social factors interact w/biological and physical characteristics during one’s development
Major social factors are:
parents and parenting style
peers and modeling of behavior
TV and social media
at wht age is gender identity typically established?
People are products of how many different cultures? LIst them.
Universal: we are biologically alike as human beings
Ecological: we are influenced by where we live (cold/hot climate). language is influenced by what we eat, wear, live
National: represents a country with the same (one) language
- a govt establish laws, policies, insitutions
- country has worldviews and citizens socialize each other
Regional: represents culture specific to region (ie, South, Midwest)
Racio-Ethnic: race, which are assumed biological differences including physical features used to identify majority and minority groups
define race
assumed biological differences including physical features used to identify majority and minority groups
Define ethnic
refers to practices, learning of a group and style of living that are regionally or culturally based
what is social class?
different levels of material possessions or economic advantage
related to social class are:
- values, assets, worldview, relationship style, opportunities
what characterizes ethnic groups?
differences bw members such as:
values, attitudes, behaviors, education, racial identiy development, acculturation, socioeconomic
what is Cultural Pluralism
Refers to individuals with special concerns and needs or seek respect, representation, development in society.
multiple cultures coexisting
Ex; race, ethnicity, gender, age, marital status, socioeconomic status…
What are cultural norms?
represent a group’s basic interpretation of life
provide the values for living and lifestyle
Defn of prejudice?
Preconceived judgment or opinion w/o grounds or sufficient knowledge
Defn of racism?
the belief that some races are inherently superior to others.
Can be expressed on:
- individual basis
- institutional basis
- cultural (societal) basis
What is disproportionality?
Treating some school age children differently.
Leads to unneeded special services, less-rigorous curriculum, lower expectations, more disciplinary actions
What is ethnocentrism?
the belief that one’s ethnicity is at the center of everything; that it sets the standard.
may cause intergenerational conflict when younger members adopt the attitudes and behaviors of cultures around them
Acculturation represents how individuals identify with a dominant culture and take on its norms and values.
the extent to which one adopts the values, beliefs, and customs of the dominant culture
Assimilation (in terms of social diversity)
Assimilation refers to how much individuals are “absorbed” into a dominant culture and lose their source culture’s norms and values.
the extent to which one becomes part of the dominant culture (is absorbed into), losing their own original values and behaviors
Historically speaking, discuss cultural differences
science has historically attributed differences between minorities and whites.
pathology and deficiency were associated with minorities
Arthur Jensen
what continued his line of thinking?
(think: Jen in Jensen = Genetic)
suggested genetic differences in intelligence; that intelligence is genetic and that blacks had the lowest
“The Bell Curve” by Hernstein and Murray, continued Jensen’s line of thinking
Cultural encapsulation
What is it and who coined it?
term coined by Gilbert Wrenn (think how a Wren bird encapsulates their nest).
refers to the tendency for counselors to inadvertently isolate themselves from cultural diversity by relying solely on their own cultural lens
Term refers to:
- substitution of model stereotypes for the real world
- disregarding cultural variations–believing in some universal notion of truth
- use of a technique-oriented definition (ex, a Gestalt therapist who only uses gestalt techniques with every client and every issue)
what is world view?
What are the types of world views?
refers to how an individual perceives his or her relationship to the world
2 Types of worldviews:
Etic: universal viewpoint; same applies for everybody. Think etiquette, outsider’s perspective; belief that you need to udnerstand and help othrs from THEIR perspectives and THEIR culture (“et”=ExTernal, ouTside)
Emic: internal; belief that you have a global view of humanity; that we are more similar than different; focus on similarities. (“em”=me, insider perspective)
network therapy
a type of multicultural counseling that involves members of immediate and extended family and community (ie spiritual or religious leaders)
what did Atkinson suggest?
He suggested that traditional ‘time-bound, space bound, cathartic psychotherapy” may not be relevant to cross-cultural clients.
Instead, role of counselor should be one of advocate, change agent, consultant, advisor, facilitator of spiritual healing, facilitator of indigenous support systems
Who were Ivey, D’Andrea, and Ivey
developed multicultural counseling theory that emphasized use of indigenous roles and to strike a balance bw individual, family and culture
Said most counseling reln’ps foster devpmt of new neurons and networks.
—>Cultural neuroscience
Ivey…&…Ivey= I=Indigenous roles and Balance bw individuals and family
white counselors often have a _______ perspective and view of the world
there is a need to ascertain the assumptions that cross-cultural clients bring, T/F?
Counselors have underlying assumptions. What are they and who are they typically of?
Typically of white middle class counselors
- concern and respect for uniqueness of client
- emphasis on inherent worth and dignity for all
- priority on helping others reach self-determined goals
- valuing freedom and oppty to explore one’s characteristics
- future oriented promise of a better life
Characteristics of Counseling
2 Cs and an L
Culture-bound values: tends to be individually centered w/ expressiveness (behavioral, emotional), w/defined communication patterns, openness, and intimacy
Class-bound values: strict adherence to a time schedule (think class in school), ambiguous/unstructured approach to problems, seeking long-range goals/solutions
Language variables: English is the standard, focus on verbal communication
What are some issues of culture and class?
Normative- every culture has its own norms
Structuring - may be necessary to define the session, roles of client and counselor
Counter- and -transference - feelings and attitudes of each other likely to be present
Personalism (some ppl may want to get to know you first)
Diagnosis - sensitivity needed here as what’s strange to the counselor may be normal to the client. Want to avoid labeling or judging.
Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
A conceptual framework to help understand attitudes and behaviors of culturally different clients
5 Stages of Development of Minority Individuals:
1. Conformity- self-depreciation attitude and identification w/majority
- Dissonance - self-concept is challenged; conflict bw appreciating and depreciating the self
- Resistance and Immersion - accepts/endorses minority views and rejects the majority’s–>leads to self-appreciating
- Introspection - moves from the intensity of the R&I stage and becomes concerned w/basis of self-appreciating
- Integrative Awareness - appreciates aspects of minority and dominant cultures
Janet Helms
speaks of ego statuses for racial/cultural identify development, rather than stages.
suggests a dynamic evolution instead of static or types.
occurs for whites, too.
White Identity Development model
whites may go through similar racial/cultural identify development bc they experience societal forces too
some stages of racial/cultural ID model possible for whites–>nonracist identity emerges
Competencies in cross-cultural counselor training should include….?
skills component
affective component
consciousness raising component
knowledge component
What is Systemic Eclecticism and who founded it?
psychotherapy framework founded by Gerard Egan
method for counselors to choose treatment options based on client’s specific problems and life situations.
Counselors choose treatment methods based on 4 factors:
- client characteristics
- context of treatment
- relationship variables
- specific strategies and techniques
what are 2 types of empathy in terms of social/cultural that counselors should develop?
affective and cognitive
cognitive: learning about client’s background, life story, fears, aspirations, hopes
What is the feminist approach to therapy?
directs awareness to the historical oppression, marginalization, and cultural limitations to which women have been subjected
Women experience conflicts in their multiple roles, T/F?
women are not any more susceptible to psychological problems than men, T/F?
Socialization patterns for men
include being active, competitive, emotionally unresponsive
what are some considerations when counseling men?
-life responsibilities more clearly defined
-words less revealing about their inner world
-tend to rely on cognition vs affect to solve problems
-may benefit from group work
What % of American adults are lesbian/gay/bi?
What is DOMA?
Defense of Marriage Act. It was federal law that defined marriage as a union bw a man and woman that was deemed UNCONSTITUTIONAL by supreme court in 2013
All state-level bans on same sex marriage were declared unconstitutional in _______?
, 2015
What percent of Fortune 500 companies protect their employees’ sexual orientation?
Name of the support network in middle and high schools for LBGTQ?
In how many schools are they?
Gender and Sexualities (GSA) Network clubs
over 4,000 schools
Social Influence model of counseling
Stanley Strong (TEA in a Stanley Cup; influence of the audience)
- viewed counseling as an interpersonal influence process
Counselee may view counselor as:
Trustworthy: client views the counselor as wanting to help
Expert: counselor has training, experience, special knowledge
Attractive: being similar to the client; client wants counselor approval
What are the acronyms for desirable and undesirable clients?
YAVIS: Young, Attractive, Verbal, Intelligent, Successful
QUOID: Quiet, Ugly, Old, Indigent, Dissimilar culturally
What is the concept of internal-external control and who founded it?
founded by J. Rotter (Rot from the inside-out)
Internal control: belief that rewards and satisfaction are contingent on own actions; people shape their own fate (I have control)
External control: events occur independently of own actions; future shaped by chance or luck (events out of my control, they just occur)
What is attribution theory?
the explanations (causal attributions) we offer for outcomes influence our future expectancies of success and motivationto succeed
how the social perceiver uses information to arrive at causal explanations for events. It examines what information is gathered and how it is combined to form a causal judgment.
For example, is someone angry because they are bad-tempered or because something bad happened?
Explain disability vs handicap
Disability: actual physical or mental limitation
Handicap: exists if the disability impacts performance in >1 of life’s major roles bc of some barrier (eg, needing a ramp to access place of employment)
What are some other conceptualizations of “handicap?”
physically challenged
mentally challenged
What is IDEA?
Individual Disabilities and Education Improvement Act of 2004
replaced in 1997 the PL94-142 Education for All Handicapped Children’s Act
IDEA 2004 includes:
- free, appropriate public education for children 3-21
- those w/handicaps placed in least restrictive environment
- ea person has individualized education plan (IED)
- children attending private schools or institutions w/qualifying disabilities also eligible
- provides supplemental funds to communities for services for eligible children from birth to 2 if state meets reqmts
State reqmts: children w/disabilities be placed/educated w/other children who do not have disabilities
When a counselor speaks of what he or she believes must transpire from a psychotherapeutic standpoint, he or she technically is referring to
______ helped to popularize the multicultural counseling movement.
The civil rights movement
What are some facts about teen suicide?
2nd leading cause of death for ppl 10-34 y/o
~5k adolescents kill themselves annually
American Indian and Alaskan natives most apt to suicide
More girls attempt suicide than boys but boys are more successful (~80% of all suicides)
the suicide rate IN GENERAL increased in less urban-more rural areas vs. more urban areas (perhaps due to fewer mental health resources)
What is the National Suicide Prevention #?
What was the ADA?
American w/Disabilities Act of 1990
- prohibits employers of >15 employees from discriminating against employing the disabled (including substance abusers, those in AA)
- prohibits discrimination in public and private transportation and public facilities
What % of the US population has varying disabiliies?
At 65, how long is a person’s life expectancy?
18 yrs
By 2060, what % of the population will older adults comprise?
Characteristics of older adults
- physical impairment bw 60-70
- intellectual decline in 70s is possible
- personality traits remain stable
- 10% have depression or mental illness
- few older adults receive mental health services
What are some typical issues older adults face?
loss, retirement, increase in leisure time, physical changes, changing family roles (esp dealing with adult children)
We (counselors) help older adult…
- build and maintain positive attitude of their worth and dignity
- educate society and advocate for change in attitudes about obsolescence
- use a problem solving approach
- use a structured life review to integrate the past and prepare for future
Characteristics Older WORKERS
-tend to have longer unemployment periods
- intellectual functioning is not impaired
- persistent and progressive decline on speeded tasks
- age is related positively to job satisfaction
- increased need for security and affiliation
Re family abuse and violence, who are the most at-risk children?
those from families under stress (ie single parent, low resources)
What types of kids are more likely to be abused?
hyperactive, ill, premature, defiant
Bc of COVID 19, the CDC says violence and suicide w/in families may be triggered bc of what?
- social isolation/lack of support
- lack of physical space/time alone
- physical, emotional, financial, stress
- lack of childcare
- loss of job/income
- depression or anxiety
- substance abuse
- decreased access to mental healthcare
Spousal abuse and abuse of elderly family members or with disabilities tends to increase, T/F?
What was the 21st Century Cures act and when was it enacted?
addresses opioid crisis by providing funds for monitoring prescription drug and treatment programs
What are some facts regarding the opioid crisis and the labor force?
directly impacts the labor force
- 50% of men in their prime work age and NOT in the labor force take Px painkillers daily
What do comprehensive school programs geared toward teen suicide prevention entail?
trained staff
psychoeducation on:
- coping skills
- stress reduction
- self-esteem
- support groups
- crisis plan
- commty involvement
Leon Festinger
(“…ON” in Leon=dissONance)
associated with Cognitive Dissonance, which is conflicting attitudes, beliefs, values
Masters and Johnson
(MASTER [bate my] JOHNSON]
worked w/marital couples on sexual dysfunction
- believed sex dysfunction due to “critically watching and evaluating” one’s own performance–>they sought to reduce this evalutation
Said dying ppl experience feelings and behaviors such as: (DABDA)
(5 Stages of grief)
Also, ppl may revisit or cycle back through any stage at any time before moving on.
caregivers’ conscious or unconscious concerns could be issue to the dying person in moving through these stages
When a discrepancy exists bw verbal and nonverbal language, which one does the counselor believe?
other vocal cues (ie loudness, pause, silence, rate of speech, inflection)
may present new methods of solution
may present a sol’n that would not be acceptable unless presented by a 3rd party
Assertiveness training promotes____?
- an ability to express all emotions
- capacity to express one’s rights w/o denying others’ rights
- distinction between aggression and assertion
- everybody has both male/female characteristics
- androgynous counseling helps clients find/uncover male and female characteristics
Sandra Bem
- Associated w/androgyny
- BEM sex-role inventory
- found ~30% of children are androgynous
define Accountability
- justifying activities engaged in to those served and those who finance their work
Program Accountability
- origins in govt
- accty argues for performance evaluation
The three factors that enhance interpersonal attractiveness
close proximity
physical attraction
similar beliefes
Contextualism implies that..
behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which the behavior occurs
Frustration-Aggression theory is associated with who? What is it?
John Dollard and Neal Miller
Frustration occurs when one is blocked from reaching an intended goal (or the goal is removed) and this frustration–>aggression
What is the concept of balance theory?
Suggests that ppl strive consistency/balance in their beliefs. Ppl want to reduce or eliminate inconsistent or incompatible actions and beliefs
aka Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory
How is dissonance often reduced?
through denial
Difference between mores and folkways?
mores beliefs and social customs regarding the right/wrongness of behavior
folkways: describe normal behavior (like mores) but breaking folkways–>embarrassment, while breaking mores causes harm or threatens existence to a group
ex folkway: drinking soup from a bowl as an american
ex more: killing people
First to focus heavily on sociocultural issues
frank parsons, the father of guidance
wrote Choosing a Vocation
John Dollard and Neal Miller
Frustration-aggression theory
frank parsons
the father of guidance
wrote “Choosing a Vocation”
First to focus on sociocultural issues
Autoplastic vs alloplastic
Autoplastic: Change comes from the self (thoughts, behaviors)
Alloplastic: client can cope best by changing external factors in the environment
Personalism in the context of multiculturalism means
People must adjust to environmental and geological demand
Typical goals of multicultural groups include…
• Understanding the circumstances that brought individuals into the group
• Providing learning for the group members
• Helping group members understand how newly learned skills can fit within their own cultural constructs
Class-bound values
- strict adherence to a time schedule
- ambiguous/unstructured approach to problems
- seeking long-range goals/solutions
Culture-bound values
- refers to the degree of openness and intimacy expressed in session
- comms patterns
- emphasis on verbal and emotional expressiveness
Who was the first to focus on sociocultural issues?
frank parsons
What percent of ethnic minorities quit counseling after one session?
50% bc they don’t believe they’ll get what they want out of it
Acculturation vs assimilation
Acculturation represents how individuals identify with a dominant culture, and assimilation refers to how much an individual is absorbed by the dominant culture
research shows up to how many people are affected by substance use?
Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory suggests that when there is a difference between_______ we [do what]?
our beliefs and our behaviors; we will change our beliefs to match our behaviors.
This is done to reduce overall tension in the mind and preserve homeostasis