Professional Counseling, Orientation, And Ethical Practice Flashcards
Masters in psychology and counseling accreditation
Mission is to accredited academic programs in psychology and counseling, which promote training in the scientific practice of professional psychology, and counseling at the masters level
Because masters degree programs in counseling psychology are not eligible for accreditation by APA or CACREP, some non-CACREP graduate programs have formed a coalition with the psychology programs to form a new accrediting body
> 55 masters level programs accredited by MPCAC
Conversion therapy
A set of practices that intend to change a person’s sexuality or gender identity to fit heterosexual or gender, standards, and expectations.
Usually religiously motivated
Portability is the ability of a professional counselor who is licensed in one state to become licensed in another
What year was CACREP founded?
When was the last revision of cacrep standards and what do the standards identify?
They identify eight masters level programs:
clinical mental health,
clinical rehabilitation,
college counseling and student affairs,
marriage, couple and family,
The one doctoral program accredited by CACREP is counselor education and supervision.
How many accredited cacrep programs are there in the US?
100 doctoral level programs
American psychological Association
Accredits clinical, counseling, school, and combined areas psychology programs, all at the doctor level
~400 programs accredited
Commission on accreditation for marriage and family therapy education
A credit marriage and family therapy training programs at the masters, doctor, and post doctoral levels
> 125 programs accredited
National board for certified counselors
Provide generic counselor certification (national certified counselor, NCC)
Requires continuing education units to - 100 clock hours for each five years of certification
Family educational rights and privacy act of 1974
A.k.a. Buckley amendment
Protect protects the privacy of individual
Allows parents of students under 18, and students older than 18, access to their educational records (not counseling records)
Title IX of the educational amendments
A 1972 legislation that bans sex discrimination in schools—K-12 and colleges—in academics and athletics.
The focus of this law is mostly on providing women equal opportunities as men in sports
The same sports do not need to be available, but women must be provided the same proportional participation opportunities (i.e. same number of athletes, not number or kinds of teams—[just equal oppty to participate in a sport])
What is Managed health care
Refers to requirements promoted by insurance companies to reduce healthcare costs.
Includes strict compliance with policies regarding diagnosis, treatment, plan, recordkeeping, etc..
What is provider list status?
Refers to mental health professionals who practice privately. Their list status is managed by health, maintenance organizations (HMOs) or preferred provider organizations (PPO). Without provider status, many potential clients cannot be referred to them.
Affordable care act, 2010
Purpose was to:
- increase the quality in affordability of health insurance
- lower the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage
- lower the cost of healthcare for individuals and government
In general, mental healthcare services are to be treated the same as regular healthcare.
An estimated 20 to 24 million non-elderly people gained health insurance coverage through the ACA
Health insurance, portability and accountability act
Establish the standards for protecting the privacy of patient information
Privacy rule vs security rule
Both Established through HIPAA by HHS
Privacy rule
- Sets national standards for PII through health plans, healthcare clearing houses, and healthcare providers in their electronic transaction
Security rule
- set national standards for protecting confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health info
What kind of notes are not subject to HIPAA?
General, summary counseling notes not at all medical in nature
Mental health parity and Addiction Equity Act
Private sector health plans covering 50 or more employees in state and local government plans must now provide the same level of coverage to individuals with mental health and addiction issues as to individuals with medical and surgical issues
Veterans mental healthcare improvement act
October 2020
Updates via services related to transition, mental healthcare, care for women veterans, telehealth
Requires the VA to develop an occupational series for its licensed professional mental health, counselors, and marriage and family therapists
Employee assistance counseling
Counselors work in employee assistance programs (EAPs) identify, council and/or refer out trouble workers
mandatory vs aspirational ethics
mandatory are clear cut w/no gray area (ie no sex with clients); aspirational refers to what’s optimal or ideal (ie pro bono clients)
What is “title-control” policy?
A counselor can practice counseling but cannot legally advertise using the title unless they are licensed
Different states have different laws regarding counselors’ licensure and practice. “Title-control” means that anyone can practice counseling but cannot legally advertise using the title, such as Licensed Professional Counselor, unless they are licensed.
The majority of states have title-control and practice-control laws, meaning no one is allowed to practice counseling without a license.