Social Class - Internal Flashcards
What is interactionism?
a micro theory looking at interactions between people, they’re a social action theory believing individuals free acts shape society.
What did Harvey and Slatin say is an internal factor? (teacher stereotypes)
Teacher Stereotypes, Harvey and Slatin showed photos of pupils to 96 primary teachers and asked them which students were most likely to succeed. White middle class was identified as the best
What is the Halo Effect?
Harvey and Slatin showed photos of pupils to 96 primary teachers and asked them which students were most likely to succeed. White middle class was identified as the best
What did Becker say is an internal factor? (labelling)
Becker found teachers compare students to the ideal pupil, usually fit by white middle class students. Labelling theory means students accept these labels and this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy
What did Rosenthal and Jacobson say is an internal factor? (self fulfilling prophecy)
Rosenthal and jacobson looked at self fulfilling prophecies. They labelled randong groups spurters and the spurter group made more progress than others.
What did Ball and Keddie say is an internal factor? (setting and streaming)
Ball found top streams were encouraged to take academic subjects, bottom streams encouraged to take vocational ones.
Keddie found unequal classroom knowledge between sets
What did Gillborn & Youdell say is an internal factor? (Educational triage)
Triage is when a doctor decides which patient gets attention first. Gillborn & Youdell found the working class are most likely to be in the bottom sets who won’t get good grades even with support, so they’re abandoned. They won’t help the school in league tables
What did Tough and Brookes say is an internal factor? (league tables)
Oversubscribed schools can choose who enters schools, Tough and Brookes found that schools cherry pick students more likely to succeed by using complicated language and having expensive uniform to deter working classes