Social Class Differences- External Factors Flashcards
Cultural deprivation
When students lack basic cultural equipment to do well in school
3 aspects of cultural deprivation.
1- language
2- parents education
3- subcultures
Speech codes
1). Elaborate code: used by middle class, wider vocab and longer grammatically complex sentences
2). Restricted code: used by working class, limited vocab, short unfinished sentences
How does language impact educational achievement?
Middle class students already use elaborate code so at advantage as schools use elaborate code- restricted code students underperform as don’t have already set code
Working class parents placed less value on education so results in
- less ambitious for own children
- gave less encouragement
- took less interest
- visited schools less
- less likely discuss child’s progress with teachers
How does parents education effect educational achievement?
Parents who don’t value education more likely let child miss school less likely try hard as don’t priotise education
Parents own education is most importance factor affecting children’s achievement
1- parenting styles= less educated- inconsistent discipline prevents child from learning independence
2- parents educational behaviour= ed parents aware of what needed to assist children’s education progress
3- use of income= spend income in ways that promote children’s ed success, working class lack rea sources
4- class, income, parental education= better educated parents have children more successful at school- may explain why not al kids of w.c parents do equally bad
Group whose attitudes and values differ from mainstream culture
Sugar man
4 barriers to educational success:
1). Fatalism= fate, whatever will be will be
2). Present time orientation= seeing present as more important than future. Middle class- future time orientation
3). Collectivism= value being part of group more than succeeding as individual
4). Immediate gratification= seeking pleasure rather than making sacrifices to get rewarded. Mid class- deterrred gratification, making sacrifices for greater reward
Term: cultural capital (Bourdieu)
Refers to knowledge, attitudes, values, abilities of middle class
How was cultural capital converted into educational capital?
Middle class children with cultural capital better equipped to meet demands of school so possess more educational capital
How does economic capital convert nto educational capital ?
Wealthier parents paying for extraction, sending children to private school, middle class parents more likely afford houses in catchment area of good schools
Beinstein- educational capital
Middle class children advantaged at school where abilities highly valued - knowledge of how to do well in school
Term: material deprivation
Poverty and lack of material necessities such as housing and income
Statistics for material deprivation
- 1/3 pupils eligible for FSM achieve 5 or more GCSE’s at A* - C
- 90% of failing schools are in deprived areas
- exclusions and truancy are more likely for children from poorer families
- money problems are significant in children’s non attendance
4 external factors in social class (material)
- Housing
- Diet and health
- Fear of debt
- Financial support and cost of education
Explanation of housing on educational success
- crowded homes- increase risk of accident
- cold/damp- illness
Leads to absences.
- overcrowding- hard to study, less room for hw
- devel impaired for young child- no space to play
- temporary acc- move often- move schools
Explaination of diet and health on educational success
- poor nutrition= weaker immune system- illness/ absences, less able concentrate
- poor homes= emotional and behavioural problems with high rates of hyperactivity
Young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals
Explaination of fear of debt on educational achievement
- going uni= getting into debt to cover tuition, books, living expenses
- 30% WC at uni
- drop out rates higher for unis with higher amount of WC
Calendar and JAckson
Fear of debt
- WC students more debt adverse saw it as negative and to avoid. More costs than benefits
Explaination of financial support and cost of ed on educational achievement
Poorer children- often have hand me down- bullied + stigmatised
Low income fams lack of money meant some children needed to take on jobs eg cleaning- neg impact on education
Financial support of cost of education
- cost of transport, books, computers, sports equipment place heavy burden on poor families
Financial support and cost of education
- fear of stigmatisation is one of main reasons why only 20% of children entitled to free school meals actually take up
Term: habitus
Middle class culture
Evaluation of cultural deprivation
Keddie- myth of cultural deprivation
Children aren’t deprived of culture but are culturally different
Children fail bc school has middle class values- elaborate code
- Keddie
- blackstone and mortimore
- compensatory education
Blackstone and mortimore
- attend less parent evening bc work longer hours/ shift work and might have more children to look after
- put off by middle class atmosphere of school
- want to help but lack of knowledge how to do so
- schools with mainly WC children have less effective ways of contacting home