Ethnicty and achievement- external Flashcards
Term: ethnicity
Shared cultural traditions and history which are distinct from other groups
What ethnic group is the highest achieveing
Chinese and Indian pupils
What ethnic group is lowest achieveing
Black Caribbean, Pakistan, Bangladeshi
Stats for black carribean
- overrepresented in special schools.
- more likely be excluded
Stats for minority ethnic students
- overrepresented in lower streams
- more likely leave school without any qualifications
- likely follow vocational courses
External factors
- Language and linguistic skills
- Family structure and family support
- Cultural attitudes and values
- Material deprivation
- Racism in wider society
How can cultural deprivation affect achievement ?
Language can be barrier for children in immigrant fams when first arrive to UK.
Many black families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences= poorly equipped for school
Language and Linguistic: Bereiter and Engleman
Langauge spoken by low income, black American families is inadequate for educational success. Concern is children who do not speak English at home may be held back
Evaluation of Language and Lingistic Skills
Gilborn and Mirza- Indian pupils do not speak English at home- highest performing
- problems understanding ora y and written tasks and hw
- limited parental support at home if don’t speak English
- limited parental contact with teachers
- negative labelling with white British teachers due to stereotypes
- The Swann Report- language differences had little impact on achievement. Students catch up as their education progresses
- Driver and Ballard- Asian children whose first language not English were as good as classmates at 16
Family structure and parental support: Moynihan
Many black families headed by lone mothers, family deprived of adquqate care bc no male breadwinner leads to material deprivation. Boys lack adequate role model of male achievement in a father. Children go to fail at school and become inaquate parents themselves
Moynihan and Murray criticised
Says they ignore positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. Ndependce of African- carribean women mean girls get positive role model
What does the Hidden Tigers article suggest
The biggest contributing factor to Chinese success in the Uk is parental expectations.
Other factors explaining educational differences were qualifiying for FSM and valuing education highly
Family structure and parental support: Driver and Ballard
Asian families have much more ‘pro-school’ atttiudes than black families. Asian families rarely lone parents meaning offer bigger support network for children
Family structure and parental support: Lupton
Suggests discipline found within ‘adult authoritarian’ Asian families matches that found in schools
Family structure and parental support: Archer and Francis
Chinese parents see education as hugely important which seems to create a desire for achievement in Chinese families