Social Causation Hypothesis Flashcards
What psychological approach is social causation derived from?
The social approach
What brought about the explanation?
Within lower social classes and black immigrant groups there is a 4/100 incidence rate which is higher than other social groups
What has the fact that there is a higher incidence rate in lower classes and immigrant groups led psychologists to believe?
That low social class or poverty either causes schizophrenia or plays some part in the development
What did Cooper (2005) suggest?
That the rate of schizophrenia in men of social class 5 (unskilled labourers) was 4.1 times as high as social class 1 (higher manegerial)
What areas is schizophrenia more common in?
Urban areas than rural ones which suggests there is an environmental element
What has been identified in urban areas that could contribute to schizophrenia?
There are clusters of people with schizophrenia in inner city areas, suggesting that being brought up in these areas causes sz to develop
What did Hjem et al (2004) find?
That social adversity in childhood related to development of schizophrenia
What is social adversity?
the link between social class and the disorder
What does the hypothesis suggest overall?
That unemployment, poverty, adversity in adult life, social isolation, seperation from parents as a child, living in inner city areas, poor housing, over crowding and high levels of crime are the cause
Why might there be a 4 times higher incidence rate in black immigrant groups?
Because their social situation may involve being disadvantaged as their education attainment is often low, their housing is often poor and they may experience discrimination
Why can’t the higher incidence rate in immigrant groups be due to genetics?
Because the incidence rate in the carribbean is similar in the UK
What supporting evidence did Kirkbride et al (2007) find?
That those who experienced less social support from family and friends were more likely to develop psychosis
What supporting evidence did Dohrenwend et al (1992) find?
That there were higher rates of schizophrenia in lower class groups
Why is it difficult to establish the cause and effect?
Because it is possible that people with sz become downwardly mobile due to the disorder and then achieve poor grades and get poor jobs and live in city areas
How does Pedersen and Mortensen (2001) support?
They found that the longer children are exposed to urban living, the greater their probability of developing schizophrenia is