Social approach KC5: Influences of others on self-concept Flashcards
self concept
How you see yourself
self esteem
How we value ourselves and the extent to which we accept and like ourselves
Self esteem comes from our interactions with other people but what are the three main ways this occurs?
How others react to us, we compare ourselves to others, we play social roles
Self Image
A person’s awareness of their mental and physical characteristic, based on positive and negative beliefs about themselves
Self efficacy
A person’s confidence in their ability to achieve a successful outcome
Give 1 strength of the influences of others on self Concept
Research to support
There is research Support for the assumption that other people influence our self esteem. eg, Harris and Orth Conducted a meta-analysis. They found that our self-esteem increases when our relationships with others are fulfilling and supportive
Give 1 limitation of the influences of others on self concept
vague concepts
The different aspects of the self are poorly defined. eg, some psychologists define self concept as ‘beliefs’ about the self but others include ‘feelings’. Therefore. concepts like self-image and self-esteem may actually be the same thing. This vagueness limits our understanding of ideas like self-concept and the practical benefits we can get from them