Biological approach: KC3 Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Localisation of brain function
certain functions are carried out by specific areas of the brain. eg, visual cortex is responsible for vision
motor cortex
directs movement by controlling muscle contractions
visual cortex
the first part to receive visual information
limbic system
large group of brain structures responsible for motivation, learning, emotion and memory
small almond shaped part of the brain that works with your hippocampus to create long term memories of specific, often emotional events. damage to amygdala reduces aggression. particularly known for linking fear, aggression and anxiety to knowledge of people or places
prefrontal cortex
grants us executive function to make socially mindful decisions, must filter out unimportant sensations, focus on the task and contextualise our decisions with memories of the past and predictions about how our behaviour will influence the future. personal traits depend on it.
Harlow (Phineas gage- case study)
in this case study, the prefrontal cortex was damaged and this resulted in Phineas becoming violent and impulsive
functions located in left brain hemisphere
speech and language
functions located in right brain hemisphere
facial recognition and spatial awareness
brain plasticity
refers to the brains ability to change and adapt as a result of experience
name 2 strengths of neuroanatomy
- there is research to support the theory of brain localisation
Phineas Gage experienced an accident in which a piece of iron went through his skull. although Phineas survived, he experienced a big change in his personality. his friends described him as ‘no longer Gage’. the iron stake damaged his left frontal lobe, suggesting that this brain area is responsible for personality, adding validity to the theory
- has practical application so is useful
research into neuroanatomy has resulted in useful practical applications. eg, it has informed the development of new therapies for people who have had a stroke. this shows that understanding neuroanatomy can lead to interventions that can benefit people with brain injury and/or brain degeneration
name 1 limitation of neuroanatomy
incomplete explanation
the theories of brain localisation and/or lateralisation are incomplete explanations of brain function, as functions may be less localised and lateralises than previous research suggests. eg, advances in brain scanning suggest that language is not completely localised but is more widely distributed in the brain. therefore, the validity of the theories can be questioned
brain structures
Phineas Gage
a case study that can be used as research to support the theory of brain localisation
lateralisation of brain function
some brain functions are one hemisphere only. for most people: left hemisphere - speech and language and right hemisphere - facial recognition and spatial awareness