Social and Cultural groups Flashcards
Name the 4 medias
Social, Broadcast, Print, Internet
Name the three sponsors
Financial, Clothing, Facilities
Name 6 gender issues in sport
80% women do little exercise
1/2 of girls who leave school do no exercise
Little media coverage of female sports
Not many female sport role models
Cleaner changing rooms would encourage more women to become active
What are the pros and cons of broadcast media?
Pro: most viewed media
Con: can manipulate viewers
What are the pros and cons of social media
Pros: Free to use
Cons: Can manipulate viewers
What are the pros and cons and print media
Pros: Detailed
Cons: Have to pay for a newspaper
What are the pros and cons of Internet media
Pros: Free to use
Cons: Not is always reliable
What are the pros and cons of Age
Pros: same ability
Cons: Body more injury prone
What are the pros and cons of Gender
Pros: Same gender groups
Cons: Body conscious and sexist
What are the pros and cons of Race/Religion
Pros: Socialise with people of same beliefs
Cons: Stereotyping and beliefs may prevent envolement
What are the pros and cons of Disability
Pros: Adapted sports
Cons: Less availability of adapted sports
What are the pros and cons of family/peers
Pros: Play with friends/family
Cons: Peer pressure
What are Beta Blockers
Steady nerves that control the users heart rate
What are stimulants
Affect CNS and increase mental and physical alertness
What are peptide hormones
Stimulate the production of naturally occurring hormones