SOCI 1010 Ch 01 Intro to Soc Flashcards
the view that social researchers should strive for subjectivity as they worked to represent social processes, cultural norms, and societal values
the systematic study of society and social interaction
a group of people who live in a defined geographical area who interact with one another and who share a common culture
wide-scale view of the role of social structures within a society
macro-level theories
the study of specific relationships between individuals or small groups
a group’s shared practices, values, and beliefs
sociological imagination
the ability to understand how your own past relates to that of other people, as well as to history in general and societal structures in particular
an error of treating an abstract concept as though it has a real, material existence
cultural pattern
refers to a recurring and shared set of behaviors, beliefs, and values that are prevalent within a particular society, (essentially describing the common ways people within a culture tend to act and think across different situations; it’s a recognizable pattern of cultural traits that can be observed across individuals within a community)
social facts
the laws, morals, values, religious beliefs, customs, fashions, rituals, and all of the cultural rules that govern social life
the process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of an individual and the society that shapes that behavior
the process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of an individual and the society that shapes that behavior
patterns of beliefs and behaviors focused on meeting social needs
Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857)
the scientific study of social patterns
Harriet Martineau (1802 – 1876)
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Herbert Spencer (1820–1903)
Georg Simmel (1858–1918)
the view that social researchers should strive for subjectivity as they worked to represent social processes, cultural norms, and societal values
Émile Durkheim (1858–1917)
Max Weber (1864–1920)