Ch 01 Lifespan Psychology and Developmental Theories Flashcards
process of translating evidence-based research and ideas into practical solutions to influence and improve human life
associative learning
learning process in which the repeated presentation of two stimuli results in the linking of the two stimuli, making the meanings synonymous
enduring, emotionally significant bond that forms between two individuals, often in a caregiving context
gradual loss or dropout of participants from your original pool
behavioral genetics
field of inquiry most directly concerned with exploring the intersection between nature and nurture, with an aim toward determining the degree to which behavior and development are driven by genetic influences
behaviorist perspective
perspective, also known as learning theory, that focuses on the role the environment plays in influencing behavior and behavioral change.
case study
investigation where a great amount of detail is gathered about one or more individuals of interest with the aim of gaining a thorough understanding of each person
child study movement
social and historical consensus that combined several interests to focus the scientific community’s interest on child development
idea that all other contexts within the ecological systems model are moving and changing through historical time
classical conditioning
learning process whereby a previously neutral or meaningless stimulus, via accidental or intentional pairing with a natural stimulus takes on the same meaning for the learner as the natural stimulus
cohort effect
idea that people live, interact and develop within a similar time period
conditioned stimulus
previously neutral or meaningless stimulus (an environmental trigger)
continuous development
gradual day-by-day or week-over-week progression of change
statistical technique used to determine degree of relation or association among two or more variables
critical period
developmental age range in which certain experiences are required for the development of a psychological or physical ability
cross-sectional design
type of developmental research where groups of participants composed of different ages are studied at a single point in time
cross-sequential design
type of developmental research that combines the benefits of both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs
dependent variable
resulting outcome behavior that is measured in an experiment; depends on another variable
discontinuous development
changes in kind, form or degree that do not directly follow from what came before
ecological systems model
proposes that a person’s development is shaped by different layers of their environment, from their immediate family and friends to their broader culture and society
process by which environmental influences can modify an individual’s genetic expression
one’s cultural and/or national heritage
term combining the elements of race and ethnicity
study of animal behavior
evolutionary psychology
looks to the theory of natural selection to explain the emergence, development and persistence of various psychological characteristics in humans
social and physical settings (contexts) in the ecological systems model that indirectly impact the developing individual and are even further removed from the immediate experience or even knowledge of the individual
experimental method
research design used to determine cause-and-effect relationships including specific design requirements
external validity
degree to which an experiment’s results and reality match
ideas society has about the roles, attitudes and behaviors associated with one’s sex assignment
gender identity
an individual’s psychological sense of their gender, including ideas about masculinity, femininity, non-binary and other dimensions
gene-environment correlation
the complex interplay between our genes and the environments we experience in contributing to development
the extent to which findings from a specific study or context can be applied to other populations or settings
heritability estimate
extent to which a genetic component explains difference