Soc5: Primciples Of Training Flashcards
Definition of specificity
The particular requirments of an activity
Definition of progressive overload
Gradually increasing the amount of overload to gain fitness witnout injury
Definition of individual needs
Matching training to the requirments of an individual
Definition of frequency(how often)
How often someone trains over a 7 day period
Definition of intensity (how hard)
How hard someone trains
Definition of time (how long)
How lomg each training session should last for improvement and benefit
Type (method)
The most appropriate method to reach a goal
An example of specificity
A rugny players need to be fit and strong but forwards need to scrum ruck maul where a back needs to be fast and agile
An example of progressive overload
If someomes 1 rep max on bench press in 100kg and thats 100% they will train and rep 60kg so 60% and then the next week be 65kg 65%
An example of frequency
A new maratjon runner will train 3-4 days a week and over time they will train 5 days a week
An example of intensity
For a runner would be raising thier heart rate in thier target zone
An example of time
To increase cardio vascular fitness you need to be training for at least 20 minuets in your target zone
An example of type
Sprinters training, specifically to improve their speed, would use interval training
An example of Individual needs
If a marathon runner is the best in the world and they gave their training plan to a new runner, they will not be able to cope
What is a training threshold
A safe and effective levelmto train at
What is the karvonen formula
A test to find out an individuals optium heart rate