Soal Dewasa Seri 1 dari 1 Flashcards
The type III lesion is characterized by pools of intracellular lipid and collagen
The individual risk for plaque progression to complete occlusion is higher in nonobstructive lesions
Smooth muscle cells are responsible for weakening the fibrous cap
Class I American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA 2007) guidelines regarding early risk stratification for the management of patients with UA and non-ST segment elevation MI (NSTEMI) include all of the following, except
If the initial ECG is not diagnostic but the patient remains symptomatic and there is high clinical suspicion for ACS, serial ECGs, initially at 30 to 60 min intervals, should be performed to detect the potential for development of ST-segment elevation or depression.
Class I ACC/AHA guidelines (2007) regarding immediate management of patients with UA and NSTEMI include all of the following
In patients with suspected ACS with a low or intermediate probability of CAD, in whom the follow-up 12-lead ECG and cardiac biomarker measurements are normal, performance of a noninvasive coronary imaging test (i.e., coronary CT angiography) is reasonable as an alternative to stress testing.
With which of the following cardiac markers of necrosis is the earliest initial rise seen?
Which area of the myocardium is more vulnerable to ischemic damage ?
Class I ACC/AHA guidelines (2007) regarding antiischemic therapy for patients with UA and NSTEMI include all of the following
In the absence of contraindications to its use, it is reasonable to administer morphine sulfate intravenously to UA/NSTEMI patients if there is uncontrolled ischemic chest
discomfort despite NTG, provided that additional therapy is used to manage the underlying ischemia.
Diagnosis utama yang paling sesuaiuntukkasus No.10 di atasadalah:
Tatalaksanaawal yang harusdiberikanpadakasus di atas (kasus no.10) adalah
Nitrat, oksigen, aspirin kunyah-kunyah, morfin, IV line.
Iskemi daerah dinding lateral miokard ditunjukkan oleh rekaman EKG sadapan
I, aVL, V5, V6
Melanjutkankasus No.10, pemeriksaanhasillaboratoriummenunjukkanHb 14,4 g/dl, Ht 39 vol%, Trop T 1,2 CKMB 187. Diagnosis kasus no.10 adalah:
Non STEMI akut
Strategi tatalaksana selanjutnya adalah
Stratifikasi risiko dan heparinisasi
Diagnosis banding kelainan EKG dengan ST elevasiadalah
Which of the following statements is false regarding coronary thrombosis in UAP and non STEMI?
Thrombosis reduces embolization and facilitates intervention
Penentuan kategori diagnostik untuk rekurensi Demam Rheuma yang disertai dengan penyakit jantung rheuma sesuai dengan kriteria WHO 2002-2003 adalah :
Ditandai dengan adanya 1 kriteria mayor dan 2 kriteria minor dan bukti adanya infeksi bakteri Streptokokus grup A