Small intestine Flashcards
What are the 3 parts of the small intestine? (give their Latin names too)
Duodenum (L. duocecem)
Jejunum (L. jejunus)
Ileum (L. ileum)
What does the small intestine sit partially behind?
What is the name for this situation?
the peritoneum
What is the peritoneum?
Serous membrane
What is the function of the peritoneum?
Covers and lines abdominal organs, holding everything in place
What are the 2 layers of the peritoneum?
-Mesothelium. -Connective tissue.
What is the outer layer of peritoneum attached to the abdominal wall?
Parietal peritoneum
What is the layer of peritoneum that wraps around the internal abdominal organs?
Visceral peritoneum
What is mesentery?
Double fold of peritoneum that attaches the intestines to the abdominal wall
What is omentum?
A fold of peritoneum that hangs down from the stomach to connect it to other organs
How does the omentum minimise infection?
It wraps around areas of pathology to isolate it
What is the mix of acid/food/mucus in the stomach called?
How long is the duodenum?
What are Brunner’s Glands? Where are they found?
Glands in the duodenum. They produce alkaline secretions which neutralise HCl from the stomach.
What is another names for the common bile duct?
Sphincter of Oddi
What is the sphincter of Oddi?
A muscular valve in the duodenum that controls the flow of pancreatic juices and bile from the pancreas into the small intestine
What is the opening of the common bile duct into the duodenum called?
The Major Duodenal Papilla
What is the Minor Duodenal Papilla?
The opening of the accessory pancreatic duct into the descending duodenum
Where does the duodenum end?
The duodenojejunal junction
What hormone is released when chyme enters the duodenum?
What is the action of cholecystokinin?
Causes contraction of Gallbladder and release of bile
In structural order, what are the 4 parts of the duodenum?
- Superior
- Descending
- Inferior
- Ascending
What part of the duodenum sits in-front of the inferior vena cava?
What part of the duodenum sits behind the superior mesenteric artery?
What are the 2 arteries that supply the duodenum?
Superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries
Where does the SUPERIOR pancreaticoduodenal artery branch from?
The coeliac trunk
Where does the INFERIOR pancreaticoduodenal artery branch from?
The superior mesenteric artery
What is the border between the duodenum and the jejunum?
Duodenojejunal flexure
What separates the small and large intestine?
Ileocaecal valve/junction
Where does the Submucous plexus lie?
Within the submucosa of the intestinal wall
What is the major nerve supply to the GIT?
The Myenteric plexus
What are the transverse fold on the small intestine surface called?
Plicae circulares
What are Peyer’s patches?
Where are they found?
What is their function?
Small groups of inflammatory cells (lymphatic tissue)
Found in the mucosa and submucosa of the ileum in the small intestine
Immune function - prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the small intestine
What is the intestinal disease that causes an extension of the small intestine?
What rule does it have?
Merkel’s diverticulum
Rule of 2/s:
-2 feet from ileocaecal valve, 2% of population have it