Alimentary system overview Flashcards
What are the 2 groups of organs in the digestive system?
Digestive tract
Accessory organs
What are the 4 structural layers of the gastrointestinal system?
Muscularis propria
What are the 3 layers within the mucosa?
Lamina propria,
Muscularis mucosae
What are the 2 muscular layers within the muscularis propria?
Inner circular, outer longitudinal
What metaplasia occurs in Barrett’s oesophagus?
Change from squamous to columnar epithelium
Where are fundic glands found? What do they secrete?
In the fundus and body of the stomach.
They secrete HCl and intrinsic factor
What are destroyed in coeliac disease?
Villi within the intestine
Roughly how many litres of gastric juice are in the stomach?
Roughly how many litres of pancreatic juice are in the pancreas?
Roughly how many litres of intestinal juice are in the intestines?
What are the 2 digestive actions of the alimentary canal?
Mechanical and chemical
What are the 3 general sensory functions of the mouth?
What do they detect?
Nociception - detect pain
Mechanoreception - detect pressure
Thermoreception - detect temperature
What is the special sensory function of the mouth?
Gustation (taste)
What are the 5 boundaries of the mouth?
What structures are present within each boundary?
Anterior: lips
Lateral: cheeks
Inferior: mylohyoid, tongue
Superior: palate
Posterior: fauces (pillars)
What is fold under the tongue called?
Plica fimbriata
What is the vessel on the bottom of the tongue called?
Lingual vein
Where is the lingual frenulum?
Bottom of tongue
What are the 2 main Jaw muscles?
Temporalis and masseter
What facial muscle encircles the mouth?
Orbicularis oris
What is the thin muscle present in the wall of the cheek?
The buccinator
What are the 3 exocrine secretions of the mouth?
Salt and water