Small Animal Ortho: Hip Dysplasia Flashcards
How does hip dysplasia develop?
Hips are normal at birth but then there is joint laxity that prevents the femoral head to push against the acetabulum appropriately & if the acetabulum is not getting that feed back it forms incorrectly around the femoral head
What is the condensed version of why hip dysplasia happens?
laxity/ instability –> poor joint congruence–> subluxation–> abnormal hip development
What are the factors/influences that contribute to hip dysplasia?
nutritional influences
dietary electrolyte balance
increased weight= increased chances of hip dysplasia
environmental: activity level has no effect
What is the common signalment of animal that can have hip dysplasia?
large breed
fast growing
germen shepherds, retrievers, rottweilers
What are the clinical signs of hip dysplasia?
Lameness: intermittent with varying degrees of severity, abnormal gait, hopping
low exercise tolerance
difficulty rising/jumping
muscle atrophy
What is normally found during physical exam with hip dysplasia?
Pain in hip joint with decreased ROM in extension, weight shifted to fore limbs
muscle atrophy
joint laxity: positive ortolani sign
What are the two ways to diagnose hip dysplasia on radiographs?
Penn hips: distraction index
How do you interpret a distraction index?
The lower the score given means less laxity and less chance of hip dysplasia occuring
What are the conservative treatment options for hip dysplasia?
Physical rehab
nutrition/weight management
holistic approach
What are the surgical treatment options for hip dysplasia?
juvenile pubic symphysiodesis
double or triple pelvic osteotomy
femoral head & neck excisional arthroplasty
total hip arthroplasty