SM02 Mini4 Flashcards
why is it importnat to talk about sex w/patients?
- talking about sex history helps improve overall health
- reduce disease & death by preventing & treating STDs, HIV, & hepatitis
- improve patients’ mental health & well-being thru identifying & tx of sexual problems
- improvement in physician-patient relationship
barriers in taking sexual hx
- time
- reimbursement concerns
- privacy
- confidentiality
- provider discomfort
- unfamiliarity w/content or language
5 Ps of sexual hx
- partners: type & number
- practices: type of sexual contact
- protection from STDs
- past hx of STDs
- prevention of pregnancy
questions for how to determine cause of infertility
- is ovulation occurring?
- is there adequate sperm w/adequate moltility?
- are Fallopian tubes patent?
- is uterine cavity ok?
- is there any pelvic disease
- pelvic inflammatory dz can damage hair cells
classic workup for infertility
- documentation of ovulation
- semenanalysis of partner
- hysterosalpingogram evaluates uterine cavity & Fallopian tubes
- diagnostic hysteroscopy to evaluate for pelvic disease
how should the endometrium appear on ultrasound around the time of the LH surge?
cause of luteal phase defect
probably abnormal formation of cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs), ex. integrins, & abnormal hormonal response of endometrium to estrogen & progesterone
what studies are included in a semenanalysis?
sperm density (#/volume)
sperm motility
sperm morphology
decreased # of spermatozoa in semen
complete lack of sperm
reduced seminal volume
absence of sperm cells in semen
increase in sperm w/abnormal morphology
reduced sperm motility
WHO criteria for normal sperm parameters
1.5mL ejaculate
15million sperm/mL
32% motility
4% strict morphology by Kruger criteria