SM02 Mini2 Flashcards
define basal metabolic rate
energy required by the body when lying down at complete mental & physical rest, wearing light clothing in a room, comfortably at least 12 hours after a meal
what factors influence BMR?
- thermic effect of food: food ingestion stimulates metabolism
- proportion of lean body mass: leaner muscle mass has higher BMR
- abnormal states of starvation & malnutrition: decrease BMR
- hyperactive thyroid: increases BMR
- sleep: decreases BMR by 10%
- fevers: increase BMR 7% per 1ºF
- pregnancy & lactation increase BMR
- tropical climate: increases BMR 5-20%
- physical activity: increases BMR
- dz that increase cell activity (ex. cancer) increase BMR
- growth hormone increases BMR
- cold climates increase BMR to heat body
what are the normal BMR used in calculations for males & females?
males= 1 calorie/kg/hour
females= 0.9 calorie/kg/hour
total energy requirement/output
=BMR + thermic effect of food intake (TEF) + physical activity
TEF= calories of food x 0.10 approximately 10% used to metabolize
physical activity is BMR x activty level (sedentary 20%; very light 30%; moderate 40%; heavy 50%)
the ntional academy of science recommends that what percentage of daily calories should come from carbohydrates?
carbohydrate provide how many calories per gram?
what is ketosis?
condition in which unusual products of fat breakdown ketone bodesi accumulate in the blood
caused by absence of carbohydrates in the body
why are carbohydrates important to have in the diet?
- protein-sparing
- anti-ketogenic effect (prevents ketosis)
- CNS function: brain doesn’t store glucose
- fiber source
how much carbohydrates are needed daily to avoid protein breakdown & ketosis?
100grams/day on average
why are high fiber diets becoming increasingly important?
for treatment of chronic constipation and diverticular dz of colon in diabetes, hypertension, & prevention of colonic cancers
how does a high fiber diet decrease hyperlipidemia?
- dietary fiber lead to increase secretion of bile acids
- bile acid excretion causes more cholesterol to be converted to bile acids
- thus decreasing cholesterol serum levels
how does a high fiber diet work to prevent colonic cancer?
- some colonic cancers are caused by carcinogenic secondary products of bile acids
- consuming fiber increases bile acid excretion & clearance rates
what is the daily recommended fiber intake?
20-30 grams/day
what are the essential amino acids for adults?
how do the essential amino acids vary for children?
adult 8 plus
arginine & histidine
what is the US reccomended daily allowance (RDA) for protein?
10-15% of total calories
protein yields 4calories/gram
what is the national academy of science’s recommendation for adequate protein intake?
0.8g/kg body weight/day
1-1.6g/kg for athletes
define maramus & list its signs and symptoms
chronic condition of semi-starvation leading to growth retardation
signs: muscular wasting, lack of subcutaneous fat
causes: failure to breastfeed, use of over diluted formula, or infection from contaminated water supply
define kwashiokor & list its signs and symptoms
deficiency dz associated w/diet high in carbohydrates & inadequate in protein (low value when available)
common in 1-4yo age group
signs: hypoalbuminemia, pitting edema, pot belly, enlarged fatty liver, muscle wasting (usually masked by edema)
protein & energy deficiency
“dz of disposed baby when next is born”