Sleeping- Carlson Flashcards
What is the difference between REM and non-REM?
REM is neurological recovery
Non-REM is bone and muscles recovery
What are the Non REM stages? Describe them. What stage do parasomnias occur in?
Stage 1- transition from wakefulness to sleep/ twilight zone
Stage 2- K complex and sleep spindles
Stage slow wave (the new 3 and 4) - restorative to bones and muscles, consistent breathing, stable blood pressure
Hardest to wake up in
Bedwedding, sleep walking, etc occur in this stage
What is REM sleep?
- Neurological recovery
- Dreaming
- Easiest to awaken from
- Shuffle and organize days occurrences
- Breathing/Blood pressure fluctuates
How long does is it take to get through a cycle of sleep stages?
90 minutes
How much sleep do you really need?
As much as YOU need to feel refreshed!
Average adult needs 7.5 hours to feel good
How much sleep do children need?
10-11 hours
*increase in slow wave sleep! Bones and muscles, they are growing!!!
How much sleep do adolescences need?
9-10 hours
hormones cause a circadian shift- go to sleep later and wake later
How much sleep do seniors need?
8 hours
decreased slow wave sleep
More fragmented sleep
May need naps
Is sleep passive?
No! Active and complex
Physical exam for sleep apnea
Classic thick uvula and redundant soft palatal tissue = crowded airway
What is the apnea/hypopnea index?
The number of times they stop breathing per hour
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Inspiration fails to overcome the resistance in the pharynx
Stridor and snoring is an audible sign
Perfect silence through 2, 3 or 4 respiratory cycles
Then loud snort
Is sleep apnea more common in men or women?
What is the incidence of sleep apnea?
How do you alleviate upper airway obstructions?
- position change
- tongue-retaining device
- Nasal continuous airway pressure (CPAP)
What is narcolepsy?
Decrease in oxycretins in hypothalamus
Abnormal sleep tendencies
Disturbed nocturnal sleep
Pathologic REM sleep manifestations