Sleep Flashcards
What is sleep?And why is it known as the ASC?
Sleep is the altered state of consciousness. It is not a period of being awake nor is it fully unconscious
What are the Characteristics of sleep?
-We lose control of thought content
-tasks cannot be performed
-sensory stimuli is dulled
-There is some emotional awareness
-self control is lost
-time orientation can be affected
What is a coma?
Coma is a state in which there is a complete or nearly complete loss of all basic functions of consciousness
What happens to your Autonomic nervous system during this state of consciousness?
In a Coma
the ANC functions such as breathing and regulation of body temperature are reduced and the patient will require respiratory assistance
Why do we need sleep?
Essential for every process in the body,affecting our physical and mental functioning for the next day,ability to fight disease and develop immunity
-metabolism and chronic disease risks
Why is sleep interdisciplinary?
Sleep is a truly interdisciplinary because it touches every aspect of health
What are the 2 theories on why we sleep?
Evolutionary and restorative theory
the evolution theory proposes the function of sleep is……..
Increasing an animals chance of survival
The ET response that adapts based on…..
The demand of how much food we need,energy requirements and safety when we sleep
Sleep patterns have adapted in the ET theory depending on…………
Whether n animal is a predator or prey
requirements for food
methods of defense from attacks
What is the supporting and criticisms of the ET theory
*sequential patten that demonstrates that energy requirements correlates with sleep requirements
_- All species sleep despite the amount of food or danger they are in
The Restorative theory proposes that the function of sleep is to………
the function of sleep is to recharge our bodies,grow and recover from physical and psychological exertion during the day
According to the RT sleep……does what?
repairs and replenishes the body and prepares for action
increase alertness
enhances mood
enables recovery from high metabolic states
activates the growth hormone
increase immunity to disease
The RT theories supportive and criticisms
- marathon runners spend more time in NREM sleep.Sleep ativates growth
_-little evidence that we need to get more sleep when we exercise
What is the biological reason for why we sleep?
Melatonin is a hormone that is released by the pineal gland-particularly at night time-makes us feel drowsy+sleepy
Melatonin is released when environment is darker-eyes receive info and this is sent via neurons to the suprachiasmatic Nucleus then sends a signal to the pineal gland to release melatonin
When it become lighter melatonin stops and becomes stored
The suprachiasmatic nucleus is
An area of the hypothalamus that is responsible for regulating an idividuals sleep-wake patterns
The Pineal gland is
Structure of the brain that regulates sleep/wake cycle and releases our sleep hormone-melatonin
What is the circadian rhythm
fancy word for body clock
biological that processes the timing of activity of body systems over a 24 hour period
What is the ultradian rhythm
Biological process that co-ordinates the timing of activity of body systems over periods of less than 24 hours
What are some processes that follow an ultradian rhythm
-heart rate/digestion/blood pressure/appetite
What happens to your body when you sleep?
important-learn this!
-body temperature decreases
-heart rate and breathing rate decreases
-blood preasure decreases
-growth hormone is released
-body restores itself
The 2 different types of sleep are
Rapid eye movement and non rapid eye movement
What happens during REM sleep
most dreaming occurs
increased eye movemnt
increased brain activity
occurs at the end of sleep sycle
blood preassure rises/breathing comes quicker
muscle paralysis/stop actin gout dreams
approx.20-25% of sleep episode for most age groups
Non Rapid eye movement
Divided into 3 stages and each have a distinct chnage in brain activities
stage 1:traditional
stage 2-light
stage 3 :deep