Slangs Flashcards
Por supuesto, claro que si (coloquial)
You bet
Asegurado/ garantizado
In the bag
With your level of English, I Knew your job interview was in the bag
De cada año un día/ raramente
Once in a blue moon
I only see my old college friends once in a blue moon
Agarrar desprevenido
Catch lacking
Te voy agarrar desprevenido: I’m gonna catch you lacking
Drip: estilo, flow/ actitud/ personalidad
I like your drip broth
Envidioso/ hater
Salty: solty
Every time she comes you get salty
Y punto
I don’t want to talk to you anymore period
Klk loco/ gánster
What’s up G? (Genster) (malandro)
Prendido encendido
You that party was lit
Con permiso, arrímate como échate paya (friends)
Scoot over (scurover)
Excuse me if you don’t know them
Encendido/ vacano/ duro
Dope: doup
Loco/ not crazy
Cray: crei say it twice cray cray 🤪
Encendido/ el final durísimo/ el ambiente está rulling
Poppin’ (popin)
You all
Y’all/ ya’ll (yiol)
Oops 🙊 🥶😬 (ups)
Tipo/ chico/ man
Dude: dud
Loquisimo/ loco
Nuts: nots
That girl is so nuts
Guarda el secreto
Mum’s the word
El arte es el alimento del alma
Art is food for the soul
No cap
Sin mentirte
No bromeo
Es una mentira.
That’s cap