SL - Studies Names Flashcards
B - Genetic Similarity
- Kendler et al (2015)
–> Sample: 436 Swedish male-male siblings - Kaminsky et al (2008)
–> Sample: 2 40yr old monozygotic twins
B - Genes
- Weaver et al
–> Rats - Kaminsky et al (2008)
–> Sample: 2 40yr old monozygotic twins
B - Hormones
- Scheele et al (2012)
–> Sample: 86 heterosexual (single/taken) men - De Dreu et al (2011)
–> Sample: Indigenous Dutch males
B - Pheromones
- Lundstrom and Olson (2005)
–> Sample: 37 heterosexual women - Hare et al (2017)
–> Sample: Male/female straight participants
B - Localization
- Maguire et al (2000)
–> Sample: 16 right-handed male taxi drivers vs 50 right-handed male non-taxi drivers - Sharot et al
–> Sample: 24 participants
B - Neuroplasticity
- Draganski et al (2006)
–> Sample: 24 self-selected non jugglers - Maguire et al (2000)
–> before
B - Neurotransmitters
- Fisher, Aron and Brown (2005)
–> Sample: 2 men and 7 women, intensely in love - Crocket et al (2010)
–> Sample: 30 healthy recruited volunteers
B - Animal Models
- Romero et al (2014)
–> Sample: 16 dogs sprayed intranasally - Rosenweig et al (1972)
–> Sample: Rats
B - Ways to Study the brain
- Maguire et al (2000)
- Fisher Aron and Brown (2005)
B - Evolutionary Explanation
- Curtis, Aunger and Rabie (2004)
–> Sample: Survey, 77,000 people from different countries - Buss
–> Sample: Questionnaire filled by 10,000 across 6 continents
C - Emotion
- Brown and Kulik (1977)
–> Sample: 40 Caucasian men, 40 black men (between 20-60) - Schaefer et al (2011)
–> Sample: 38 university students
C - Multi Store Model (MSM) Studies
- Sperling (1960)
C - Working Memory Model (WSM) Studies
- Conrad and Hull (1964)
–> Sample: Students - Baddeley et al (1984)
C - MSM Parts of Model
- Sensory Memory
- Short Term Memory
- Long Term Memory
C - WSM Parts of Model
- Sensory Model
- Central Executive
- Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
- Phonological Loop
- Episodic Buffer
- Long Term Memory
C - Reliability of Memory
- Loftus and Palmer (1974)
–> Sample: 45 people divided into 5 groups. Further investigation w 150 students - Yuille and Cutshall (1986)
–> Sample: 21 eyewitnesses, 13 participants
C - Schemas
- Anderson and Pichert (1978)
–> Sample: 39 participants - Darley and Gross (1983)
–> Sample: 67 undergraduate students (convenience sampling)
C - Thinking & Decision Making
- Wason
- Albarracin et al
–> Meta analysis with 42 published articles
C - Bias in thinking and decision making
Avoiding the Mental Stress of Holding Inconsistent Cognitions
- Freedman and Fraser (1966)
Confirmation bias
- Wason
C - Digital World
- Sparrow et al (2011)
–> Sample: 60 undergraduate students - Blacker et al (2014)
–> Sample: Self-selected 34 male uni students
S - Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions (6)
- Power Distance Index
- Individualism vs Collectivism
- Uncertainty Avoidance Index
- Masculinity vs Femininity
- Long-term vs Short-term orientation
- Indulgence vs Restraint
- Hofstede et al (2009)
–> Sample: 307 doctors, 5,807 patients - Eylon and Au (1999)
–> Sample: 135 MBA Students in a Canadian uni
S - Theory of Basic Values
Schwartz’s Theory
- Openness to change
1. Self direction: Independent thought and action
2. Stimulation: Excitement, novelty and challenge in live
Self Enhancement
3. Hedonism: PLeasure and gratification to oneself
4. Achievement: Personal success, competing according to social standards
5. Power: social status and prestige, control & dominance over people and resources
6. Security: Safety, harmony and stability of society, relations and self
7. Conformity: restraint of actions that are likely to upset/harm others
8. Tradition: Respect, commitment, acceptance of tradition, culture
Self Transcendence
9. Benevolence: Persevering and enhancing the welfare of those that we have personal contact with
10. Universalism: understanding, appreciation, tolerance, protection for the welfare of all people and nature
S - Social Identity Theory
- Tajfel
–> Sample: 64 schoolboys ages 14 -‐ 15 from a state school in the UK - Hamilton and Gifford
–> Sample: 70 undergraduates (1/2 fem 1/2 male)
S - Social Cognitive Theory
- Bandura et al
–> 36 boys 36 girls ages 3-6 - Joy, Kimbal and Zabrack
–> 120 children across 3 Canadian town
S - Stereotype formation
- Hamilton and Gifford
S - Stereotype Effect
- Steele and Aronson
–> 114 fem/masc black/white undergrads from Stanford uni - Duncan
S - Influence of culture on behaviour and cognition
- Faggot et al (1978)
–> Sample: 24 white families (½ boys ½ girls). Each family had 1 child between 20-24 months, parents between 20-30 yrs old - Eylon and Au
–> Sample: 135 MBA Students in a Canadian uni
S - Acculturation
- Becker et al
–> 60 girls ages 16-18 (1/2 in 1995, 1/2 1998) - Ogihara and Uchida
–> 34 women ages 22-51 (mean 27)
S - Enculturation
- Wood et al
–> 48 children 1/2 fem 1/2 masc 24-72 months
S - Globalization
- Novotny and Polonsky
–> 716 uni students (4 czech, 4 slovak) Randomely selected but stratified - Ogihara and Uchida
–> 34 women ages 22-51 (mean 27)