HL - Studies Names Flashcards
PR - Evolutionary Explanations
- Buss
- Neto et al
PR - Biochemical Influences
- Wedeking (MHC)
- Schneiderman et al (oxytocin)
PR - Cognitive influences
Mere Exposure Effect /Familiarity
- Zajonc
- Moreland and Beach
- Alhabash
PR - Sociocultural Influences
- Xiaohe and Whyte
- Regan et al
PR - Role of Communication
- Rusbult and Zembrodt (patterns of accomodation)
- Karney and Bradbury (attribution style)
PR - Why Relationships End
- Gottman and Levenson
- Fincham
GD - ompetition
- Blake and Mouton
- Sherif
GD - Cooperation
- Sherif
- Tajfel
- Cook (??? Contact Hypothesis)
GD - Prejudice and Discrimination
- hamilton and Gifford
- Novotny and Polonsky
- Cook
GD - Conflic and Conflict Resolution
- Sherif
- Cook
D - Biological factors of brain development
- Giedd
- Chugani
D - Cognitive factors of brain development
- Piaged and Inhelder
- Borke
D - Piaget Theory (stages)
- Sensory motor stage (0-2): Hear, smell, taste and touch. Develop habits. Learn to do things intentionally.
- Pre-operational stage (2-7): Speak, understand words, symbols, play pretend (symbolic thinking) . Understanding how everything works →Intuative age.
- Concrete operational stage (7-11): Logic, write, math, thoughts and feelings are unique =empathy.
- Formal operational stage (12+): Abstract concepts, understanding of our own identity and morality, compassion etc .
D - Piaget Theory (studies)
- Piaget and inhelder
- Borke
D - Vygotsky Theory (Functions)
Functions that help development scaffolding
S ensation
P erception
A ttention
M emory
D - Vgotsky Theory (Study)
- Nichols
D - Empathy and Theory of Mind
Repacholi and Gopnik
D - Gender Identity and social roles
- Faggot
- Wood
- Martin and HalversonD
D - Attachment
- Hazan and Shaver
- Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg