Which cranial projection helps in seeing the Sella Turcica, Anterior and Posterior Clinoid Processes, and the Dorsum Sellae ?
Lateral Projection
Cranium Lateral
CR = Perpendicular
RP = ________
RP = 2 Inches Above EAM
What position is recommended for Cranium Lateral Projection to demonstrate traumatic sphenoid sinus effusion ?
Bonus QS: Who recommended this position ?
Dorsal Decubitus Position
BONUS: Robinson, Meares, Goree
What method involves angling the tube from 20-25 Degrees Caudad or 25-30 Degrees Caudad to visualize the superior orbital fissures and rotundum foramina respectively ?
Caldwell Method
Cranium PA Axial Projection (Caldwell Method) CR Angulation
________ = Superior Orbital Fissures
________ = Rotundum Foramina
20 - 25 Degrees Caudad = Superior Orbital Fissures
25 - 30 Degrees Caudad = Rotundum Foramina
If the patient cannot be turned to the prone for PA Caldwell and if cervical spinal injury has been ruled out, it is best to direct the horizontal central ray perpendicular or __________, exiting the Nasion
15 Degrees Caudad
What projection of the cranium is similar to the PA Projection but shows a somewhat considerably magnified image because of increased OID ?
AP/AP Axial Projection
CR and RP for AP / AP Axial Projection of Cranium
CR = Perpendicular (AP) / 15 Degrees Caudad (AP Axial)
RP = Nasion
AP/AP Axial Projection of the Cranium shows the entire cranial perimeter showing ______ distinct areas of squamous bone.
Three (3)
AP Axial Projection for Cranium was first described by ________ in 1912
Complete the ff statement:
________ recommended an angulation of 40 Degrees Caudad for AP Axial Projection of Cranium, whereas _______ recommended to have the chin depressed in the said projection.
- Altschul
- Towne
When the patient cannot flex the neck in the AP Axial Projection for Cranium, the CR Angulation must be increased by ________
7 Degrees
What are the CR conditions for AP Axial Projection for Cranium (2):
Foramen Magnum = ____
IOML = ______
Foramen Magnum = 30 Degrees Caudad
IOML = 37 Degrees Caudad
For demonstration of the entire foramen magnum in cases of pathologic condition or trauma, the caudal CR angulation must be increased from ______ to _____ to the OML
40-60 Degrees
What method is used to obtain an image of the sellar structures projected within the foramen magnum on hypersthenic patients who cannot be adjusted for AP Axial Projection ?
Haas Method
CR and RP for Haas Method
CR = 25 Degrees Cephalad
RP = 1 1/2 Inches Below the External Occipital Protuberance
Which position of patient allows greater freedom in positioning the patient for SMV (Schuller Method) ?
The Upright Position increases intracranial pressure in the SMV projection (Schuller Method).
The Upright Position ALLEVIATES intracranial pressure.
CR and RP for SMV projection (Schuller Method)
CR = Perpendicular
RP = Sella Turcica (MSP of the Throat)
Which projection is used to demonstrate the base of the cranium when the SMV projection is contraindicated and is useful studies of the anterior cranial base and sphenoidal sinuses ?
Verticosubmental Projection
What structures may be seen for the ff. angulations of the AP Axial Projection of the Sella Turcica etc.:
37 Degrees Caudad =
30 Degrees Caudad =
37 Degrees Caudad = Dorsum Sellae and Posterior Clinoid Processes Within the Foramen Magnum
30 Degrees Caudad = Dorsum and Tuberculum Sellae & Anterior Clinoid Processes
For PA Axial Projection of the Sella Turcica etc., the CR exits the ______ at an angle of _____
- Glabella
- 10 Degrees Cephalad
Which of the following structures is seen after performing PA Axial Projection of the Sella Turcica etc.:
- Dorsum Sellae
- Tuberculum Sellae
- Anterior Clinoid Process
- Posterior Clinoid Process
A. 1 Only
B. 1 & 2 Only
C. 3 & 4 Only
D. 1,2,3, & 4
D. 1,2,3, & 4
In Rhese Method, the head must be rotated to allow the MSP of the body form an angle of ______ to the plane of the IR
53 Degrees
Which optic canal and foramen projection should be used for patients who cannot be turned in the prone position for the Parietoorbitaal Oblique Projection ?
Orbitoparietal Oblique Projection
In PA Axial Projection for the Superior Orbital Fissures, the said part of interest are seen as __________
Elongated Dark Areas
Which projection and method places each orbital fissure and inferior orbital fissure between the shadows of the lateral pterygoid lamina of the sphenoid bone and the condylar processes of the mandible ?
PA Axial Projection (Bertel Method)
Which projection demonstrates a lateral image of the bones of the face, with the right and left sides superimposed ?
Lateral Projection (R/L Position)
RP for Lateral Projection of Facial Bones
Lateral Surface of the Zygomatic Bone Halfway Between the Outer Canthus and EAM
Which projection and method for facial bones require neck hyperextension to enable the OML to form a 37-degree angle with the plane of the IR ?
Parietoacanthial Projection - Waters Method
In waters method, which line must be approximately perpendicular to the plane of the IR
Mentomeatal Line (MML)
Which of the following structures is NOT SEEN on the Waters Method ?
A. Orbits
B. Dens
C. Maxillae
D. Zygomatic Arches
B. Dens
Which method requires less extension of the neck for demonstration of blow-out fractures by placing the orbital floor perpendicular to the IR and parallel to the CR ?
Modified Waters Method
Which projection and method demonstrates considerably magnified superior facial bones / structures ?
Acanthioparietal Projection - Reverse Waters Method
In PA Axial Projection (Caldwell Method) for the Facial Profile, the CR is directed to exit the Nasion at an angle of ______
15 Degrees Caudad
For demonstration of the orbital rims, the orbital floors in particular, a ________ angle may be used
30 Degree Caudal
A 30 Degree Caudal angle for demonstration of the orbital rims is also referred to as
A. Exaggerated Caldwell
B. Extreme Caldwell
C. Exemplified Caldwell
D. Modified Caldwell
A. Exaggerated Caldwell
The Lateral Projection for the Nasal Bones allows for visualization of the soft structures of the nose
Which nasal bone projection allows for demonstration of medial or lateral displacement of fragments in fractures ?
Tangential Projection
The Tangential Projection for Nasal Bones may not be used for children or adults with long nasal bones, a convex face, or protruding incisors.
The Tangential Projection for Nasal Bones may not be used for children or adults with SHORT nasal bones, a CONCAVE face, or protruding UPPER TEETH.
A good SMV projection for the Zygomatic Arches require the following, EXCEPT:
A. Zygomatic Arches Free from Overlying Structures
B. Zygomatic Arches Symmetric and Without Foreshortening
C. Bilateral Symmetric SMV Images
In Tangential Projection of the Zygomatic Arch, the MSP of the head must be rotated ______ towards the side being examined
15 Degrees
Which projection is particularly useful for patients with depressed fractures or flat cheek bones ?
Tangential Projection
What projection is usually employed to demonstrate medial or lateral displacement of fragments in fractures of the Mandibular Rami ?
PA Axial Projection
CR and RP for PA Axial Projection of Mandibular Rami
CR = 20 - 25 Degrees Cephalad
RP = Exiting the Acanthion
The CR for PA Projection of the Mandibular Body is perpendicular to the level of the _______
CR and RP for PA Axial Projection of Mandibular Body
CR = 30 Degrees Cephalad
RP = Midway Between the Temporomandibular Articulations / Joints (TMJs)
Which projection aims to place the desired portion of the mandible parallel with the IR ?
Axiolateral Oblique Projection
Fill up the following Position of Part considerations for Axiolateral Oblique Projection:
Ramus = ________
Body = ________
Symphysis = _______
CR and RP forAxiolateral Oblique Projection of Mandibular Regions / Portions
CR = 25 Degrees Cephalad
RP = Mandibular Region of Interest
Which mandibular projection shows the coronoid and condyloid processes of the rami ?
Submentovertical Projection
Which projection demonstrates the mandible as seen from above the patient, better demonstrating the condyle and neck of the condylar processes with greater angle.
Verticosubmental Projection
For radiography of the TMJs in the closed-mouth position, the ________ rather than the _______, must be in contact.
- Posterior Teeth
- Incisors
What projection and method shows the TMJs when the mouth is open and closed under a 25 - 30 degree caudal angulation ?
Axiolateral Projection (Schuller Method - R/L Positions)
What method, with a closed-mouth, demonstrates fractures of the neck and condyles of the ramus ?
Modified Law Method
Which of the following terms is NOT used to designate the techniques employed to produce tomograms of curved surfaces ?
A. Panoramic Tomography
B. Pantomography
C. Phantomography
D. Rotational Tomography
C. Phantomography
Which projection shows the AP and superoinferior dimensions of the paranasal sinuses, their relationship to surrounding structures, and the thickness of the outer table of the frontal bone ?
Lateral Projection (R/L Position)
Which projection and method enables grid angulation for demonstrating frontal sinuses, anterior ethmoidal air cells, and sphenoidal sinuses just inferior to or between the ethmoidal air cells ?
PA Axial Projection - Caldwell Method
What projection and method is useful for demonstrating the foramen rotundum ?
Parietoacanthial Projection - Waters Method
What method provides an excellent demonstration of the sphenoidal sinuses through the open mouth ?
Open-Mouth Waters Method
Angling the VCH for SMV Projection of the Sinuses means that the CR will not be horizontal and air-fluid levels may not be demonstrated.
Fill up the following structures shown for each sinus:
Posterior Ethmoidal Sinuses =
Sphenoidal Sinuses =
Maxillary Sinuses =
Posterior Ethmoidal Sinuses = Posterior Ethmoidal Air Cells Superior to Anterior Air Cells
Sphenoidal Sinuses = Sphenoidal Sinuses Projected through the Frontal Bone
Maxillary Sinuses = Maxillary Sinuses Projected Inferior to the Base of the Cranium
The Axiolateral Oblique Projection (Original Law Method) was originally performed using a _______ technique
RP for Original Law Method of the Petromastoid Portion
2 Inches Posterior and 2 Inches Above the Uppermost EAM
What are the angulations required for Original Law Method of the Petromastoid Portion
15 Degrees Caudad and 15 Degrees Anteriorly
In which aspect do the Original Law and Modified Law Method differ ?
A. CR Angulation
B. Position of Patient
C. Position of Part
A. CR Angulation
(Original = Double Angulation / Modifed = Single Angulation)
Fill up the following CR angulation requirements for Axiolateral Projection - Henschen, Schuller, and Lysholm Methods:
Henschen =
Schuller =
Lysholm =
Henschen = 15 Degrees Caudad
Schuller = 25 Degrees Caudad
Lysholm = 35 Degrees Caudad
The Lysholm Method is also known as the _________
Runstrom II Method
What method shows a profile image of the petromastoid portion CLOSEST to the IR.
Bonus Ques: CR for this Method
Stenvers Method
CR = 12 Degrees Cephalad
Which method serves as the opposite of the Stenvers Method that greatly magnifies the petromastoid portions and is designed for children and adults who cannot be placed in prone or seated upright ?
Arcelin Method
CR for Arcelin Method
10 Degrees Caudad
The Arcelin Method demonstrates the temporal bone ______ from the IR
Which method involves rotating the head to place the MSP at 45 degrees and depressing the chin to place the IOML parallel with the transverse axis of the IR
Mayer Method
It forms the anterior third of the cranial dome, part of the cranial cavity, as well as the forehead, brow ridges, and nasal cavity
Frontal Bone
Forms the middle segment of the cranial dome, joined with each other along the midline by the sagittal suture.
Parietal Bones
Forms the posterior portion of the cranial dome, curving inferiorly to the base of the cranium forms the posterior and inferior portions of the cranium.
Occipital Bone
These bones at the sides of the cranium extend inward to form part of the cranial floor
Temporal Bones
A butterfly-shaped bone that forms part of the anterior floor and sides of the cranium
Sphenoid Bone
It forms the middle portion of the anterior cranial floor, extending inferiorly between the eye orbits to also form the root of the nasal cavity
Ethmoid Bone
Which joints the parietal bones ?
Sagittal Suture
Parietal bones that meet the frontal is referred to as _______
Coronal Suture
Parietal Bones and Occipital Bone meet at the _______
Lambdoidal Suture
Suture between the parietals and temporal bone
Squamous Suture
Other term for soft spots on a baby’s head
Lower jaw bone that articulates with the temporal bones and provides chewing motion.
Also known as “Upper Jaw Bones” that form part of the nose, orbits, and roof of the mouth.
Forms a portion of the nasal cavity and the posterior portion of the roof of the mouth
These are the cheek bones that form portions of the orbits
Zygomatic Bones
These bones form the superior portion of the bridge of the nose.
Nasal Bones
A ridge of bone above each eye extending across the forehead
Supercillary Ridge (Arch)
Point on the skull corresponding of the naso-frontal suture, also known as the bride or roof of the nose
Smooth prominence between the eyebrow and above the bridge of the nose
Midline point at the junction of the upper lip and nasal septum
Midpoint of the triangular area of the chin
Mental Point
Inner junction of the eyelid
Inner Canthus
Outer junction of the eyelid
Outer Canthus
Lower posterior angle on each side of the jaw or mandible
Hole of the ear, also known as porion
External Auditory / Acoustic Meatus (EAM)
Point on the skull to the junction of the coronal and sagittal suture
The cranio-metric at the junction of the
sagittal and lambdoid sutures.