LOWER LIMB Flashcards
What projection demonstrates the metatarsal head in profile and the sesamoids.
Sesamoids - Tangential Projection - Lewis Method
Which sesamoid projection method orders the patient to hold the toes in flexed position with a strip of gauze bandage with a plantar surface angle of 75 degrees.
Holly Method
Central ray for Tangential projection of Sesamoids, Lewis method
Reference point for Tangential projection of Sesamoids, Lewis method
First Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Plantar surface angulation in Holly Method
75 Degrees
Reference point for Tangential projection of Sesamoids,Holly method
Head of the First Metatarsal Bone
To rest the sole of the foot firmly on the radiographic table, the patient must ____ the knee of the affected side
What projection of the foot involves angulation of 10 degrees towards the heel to the base of the third metatarsal
AP Axial Projection
What projection of the foot is beneficial for localizing foreign bodies, determining location of fragments in fractures of the metatarsals & anterior tarsals, and for general surveys of the bones of the foot.
AP Projection
The interspaces between the following are shown by the AP Oblique Projection of the Foot in Medial Rotation (4):
- Cuboid & Calcaneus
- Cuboid & Fourth and Fifth Metatarsals
- Cuboid & Lateral Cuneiform
- Talus & Navicular Bone
How many degrees of angulation is required for AP Oblique Projection (Lateral Rotation) of the foot ?
30 Degrees
The interspaces between the following are shown by the AP Oblique Projection of the Foot in Lateral Rotation (2):
- First & Second Metatarsals
- Medial & Intermediate Cuneiforms
Which bone of the foot is more clearly demonstrated in AP Oblique Lateral Rotation than in Medial Rotation
Navicular Bone
What projection of the foot integrates heel angulation of either 30 degrees medially or 20 degrees laterally ?
PA Oblique Projection - Grashey Methods - Medial or Lateral Rotations
Heel angulation and rotation for demonstration of the:
- First and Second Metatarsal Bases
- Medial Cuneiform
- Navicular Bone
30 Degrees, Medially
Heel angulation and rotation for demonstration of the interspaces between the:
- Second and Third Metatarsals
- Third and Fourth Metatarsals
- Fourth and Fifth Metatarsals
20 Degrees, Laterally
Angulation for PA Oblique Projection, Medial Rotation of the foot
45 Degrees
Articulations between the following are demonstrated by the PA Oblique Projection in Medial Rotation of the foot (4):
- Cuboid & Adjacent Bones
- Talus & Navicular Bone
- Navicular Bone & Cuneiforms
- Substentaculum Tali & Talus
The projection of the foot that is routinely used in most radiology departments because it is a comfortable position for the patient to assume.
Lateral Projection (Mediolateral Rotation)
The projection of the foot utilized in the cases of absence of prominent medial malleolus, hallux valgus, and other deformities.
Lateral Projection (Lateromedial Rotation)
In the Lateral Projection in Lateromedial Rotation under the weight-bearing method for the demonstration of the longitudinal arch, the patient is placed on a _______ with an ______
- Low Riser
- IR Groove
The projection of the foot used to demonstrate the status of the longitudinal arch
Lateral Projection (Lateromedial Rotation - Weight Bearing Method -Standing)
The SID for AP Axial Projection (Weight-bearing Method - Standing) of the foot for reduced magnification and improve recorded detail on the image.
48 inches (122 cm)
The minimum CR angulation for AP Axial Projection (Weight-bearing Method - Standing) of the foot required to allow more room for tube positioning and patient standing.
15 Degrees
What projection of the foot involves the patient standing one step forward and backward respectively on a low stool or on the floor
AP Axial Projection (Weight-bearing Composite Method - Standing)
Complete the statement:
- AP Axial Projection (Weight-bearing Composite Method - Standing)
The patient takes one step FORWARD with the unaffected foot, wherein CR is applied with an ________ angulation of ________ necessary for demonstration of the _______.
- Anterior
- 25 Degrees
- Forefoot
Complete the statement:
- AP Axial Projection (Weight-bearing Composite Method - Standing)
The patient takes one step FORWARD with the unaffected foot, wherein CR is applied with an _______ angulation of ________ necessary for demonstration of the _______.
- Anterior
- 25 Degrees
- Forefoot
Fill up both forward and backward physical maneuvers for AP Axial Projection (Weight-bearing Composite Method - Standing) with their respective REFERENCE POINTS:
- Forward = _________
- Backward = _________
- Base of the Third Metatarsal
- (Posterior Surface of the Ankle) At the Level of the Lateral Malleolus
Clubfoot is also known as _______
Talipes Equinovarus
Clubfoot deviations may be classified into three, namely:
- Equinus
- Adduction
- Supination
Plantar flexion and inversion of the calcaneus
Medial displacement of the forefoot
Elevation of the medial border of the foot
A foot (clubfoot) projection for demonstration of adduction and degree of inversion of the calcaneus
AP Projection (Kite Method)
A foot (clubfoot) projection for demonstration of anterior talar subluxation and the degree of plantar flexion
Lateral Projection (Mediolateral Rotation - Kite Method)
Projection of the calcaneus wherein a long strip of gauze is placed around the ball of the foot, with CR directed 40 degrees cephalad to the long axis of the foot
Axial Projection (Plantodorsal)
Reference point for Axial Projection (Plantodorsal) of calcaneus
Base of the Third Metatarsal
Projection of the calcaneus wherein patient’s ankle is elevated on sandbags, IR is placed on plantar surface of the foot, with CR directed 40 degrees caudad to the long axis of the foot
Axial Projection (Dorsoplantar)
Described by Lilienfield as a calcaneus axial projection for demonstration of calcaneotalar coalition
Weight-bearing Coalition Method
Reference point for Lateral Projection (Mediolateral Rotation) of Calcaneus
1 inch Distal to the Medial Malleolus
Central Ray for Lateral Projection (Mediolateral Rotation) of Calcaneus
Calcaneus projection useful for diagnosing stress fractures of the calcaneus or tuberosity
Lateromedial Oblique Projection (Weight-bearing Method)
CR and RP for Ankle AP Projection
CR = Perpendicular
RP = Ankle Joint at a Point Midway between the Malleoli
Shows a true lateral projection of the lower third of the tibia and fibula, ankle joint, and tarsals.
Lateral Projection (Mediolateral Rotation)
Often recommended for easier and more consistent positioning of the ankle
Lateral Projection (Lateromedial Rotation)
During AP Oblique Projection in Medial Rotation of the ankle, the patient must grasp the ________ with one hand and the foot with the other.
Lower Femur Area
The distal ends of the tibia and fibula are often superimposed over the _______
Ankle projection involving internal rotation of the entire leg and foot together from 15 to 20 degrees until the intermalleolar plane is parallel with the IR
AP Oblique Projection (Medial Rotation - Mortise Joint)
Ankle projection significant for the demonstration of the superior aspect of the calcaneus
AP Oblique Projection (Lateral Rotation)
Ankle projection for inversion and eversion injuries, common among athletes, to verify the presence of a ligamentous tear.
AP Projection (Stress Method)
In AP projection of the leg, the IR must extend from ______ to _____ inches beyond the joints
1 to 1/2 inches
In the Lateral Projection in Mediolateral Rotation of the Leg, the rotation of the body is adjusted to place the ______ perpendicular to the IR
RP for Lateral Projection (Mediolateral Rotation) of the Leg
Midpoint of the Leg
Fill the corresponding ASIS & tabletop measurements with their corresponding CR angulations
*AP Projection - Knee
- < 19 cm =
- 19 - 24 cm =
- > 24 cm =
- < 19 cm = 3 - 5 degrees CAUDAD
- 19 - 24 cm = O degrees / PERPENDICULAR
- > 24 cm = 3 - 5 degrees CEPHALAD
Knee projection wherein the patient turns onto the affected side with the knee brought forward and the other limb extended behind it.
Lateral Projection (Mediolateral Rotation)
Knee flexion/obliquity for Lateral Projection (Mediolateral Rotation) to relax the muscles and show maximum volume of the joint cavity.
20 - 30 degrees
Projection suggested to be routinely included by Leach, Gregg, and Siber for radiographic examination of arthritic knees
AP Projection (Weight-bearing Method - Standing)
Knee projection that reveals narrowing of a joint space that appears normal on a non-weight bearing study
AP Projection (Weight-bearing Method - Standing)
Knee projection used to evaluate joint space narrowing and demonstrating articular cartilage disease
PA Projection (Rosenberg Method - Weight-bearing - Standing Flexion)
Also known as the “tunnel” projection requiring the patient to assume a kneeling position on the radiographic table.
PA Axial Projection (Holmblad Method)
Give the three variations of Holmblad Method:
- Standing with the Knee of Interest Flexed and Resting on a Stool with an IR.
- Standing at the side of the table with the affected knee flexed and placed in contact with the front of the IR.
- Kneeling on the radiographic table
Degree of knee flexion for Holmblad Method
70 Degrees
IR for Holmblad Method
8 x 10 inches
Projection intended for demonstration of an unobstructed projection of the intercondyloid fossa, with knee angled either 40 or 50 degrees
PA Axial Projection (Camp-Coventry Method)
Projection for demonstration of the intercondylar fossa, intercondylar eminence, and knee joint wherein knee flexed at an angle of 60 degrees to the long axis of the tibia
AP Axial Projection (Beclere Method)
RP for Beclere Method
Long Axis of the Tibia, Entering the Knee Joint
Enumerate the three divisions of the foot
- Forefoot
- Midfoot
- Hindfoot
Foot division comprising the metatarsals and toes
Foot division encompassing the five tarsals
Foot division including the talus and calcaneus
Total number of bones in the foot (Provide breakdown)
14 Phalanges + 5 Metatarsals + 7 Tarsals = 26 Bones
These bones permit walking and support of the body’s weight
Bones of the Foot
Functions as a shock absorber to distribute the body weight in all directions, permitting smooth walking
Longitudinal Arch
Runs from side to side and and assists in supporting the longitudinal arch
Transverse Arch
Superior surface of the foot is termed ________, whereas inferior surface of the foot is termed ___________
- Dorsum / Dorsal Surface
- Plantar Surface
The five heads of the foot’s metatarsals form the _______
Ball of the Foot
The shortest and thickest metatarsal
First Metatarsal
The longest metatarsal of the foot
Second Metatarsal
Enumerate the seven tarsal bones of the foot
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Navicular Bone
- Cuboid
- Medial Cuneiform
- Intermediate Cuneiform
- Lateral Cuneiform
Largest and strongest tarsal bone
Irregular in form and occupies the most superior portion of the foot
Lies on the lateral side of the foot between the calcaneus and the fourth and fifth metatarsals
Lies on the medial side of the foot between the talus and the three cuneiforms
Navicular Bone
Largest of the cuneiform bones
Medial Cuneiform
Smallest of the cuneiform bones
Intermediate Cuneiform
Two small bones detached from the foot and embedded within the two tendons
Sesamoid Bones
Two bones of the leg:
- Tibia
- Fibula
Larger of the two bones of the leg and consists of one body and two expanded extremities
Slender in comparison to its length consisting of one body and two articular extremities
Longest, strongest, and heaviest bone in the body
A deep depression separating the medial and lateral condyles of the femur
Intercondylar Fossa
Largest and most constant sesamoid bone in the body
Joints between the distal and middle phalanges
Distal Interphalangeal Joints
Articulations between the middle and proximal phalanges
Proximal Interphalangeal Joints
The ankle joint is commonly called as ________
Ankle Mortise