In the AP Projection of the Pelvis and Upper Femora, what is the degree of medial angulation to place the feet and lower limbs in true anatomic position and have the femoral necks parallel with the plane of the IR ?
15 - 20 Degrees
(AP Projection - Pelvis and Upper Femora)
The CR is perpendicular and will direct to a point midway between the ASIS and symphysis pubis.
The center of the IR will be about ________ and ________
- 2 inches inferior to the ASIS
- 2 inches superior to the symphysis pubis
________ and _______ recommended two AP projections of the pelvis for demonstration of the femoral head to the acetabulum in patients with __________
- Martz
- Taylor
- Congenital Dislocation of the Hip
Fill up the following requirements for Martz and Taylor AP Projection 2:
CR =
RP =
SS =
CR = 45 Degrees Cephalad
RP = Symphysis Pubis
SS = Lateral / Superior Displacement of Femoral Head
Fill up the following requirements for Martz and Taylor AP Projection 1:
CR =
RP =
SS =
CR = Perpendicular
RP = Symphysis Pubis
SS = Lateral / Superior Displacement of Femoral Head
Lateral Projection of the Pelvis and Upper Femora may be done by placing the patient in the _______, _______, or _______ position
- Lateral Recumbent
- Dorsal Decubitus
- Upright
Measures horizontal or biischial diameter in pelvimetry
Axial Projection - Chassard-Lapine Method
Chassard-Lapine Method is also used in ________ radiologic contrast examinations for evaluation of the _________
- Barium Enema
- Recto-sigmoid Colon
CR and RP for Lateral Projection of the Pelvis and Upper Femora
CR = Perpendicular
RP = Level of the Soft Tissue Depression Just Above the Greater Trochanter
CR and RP for Chassard-Lapine Method
CR = Perpendicular
RP = Lumbosacral Region at the Level of the Greater Trochanters
Modified Cleaves Method is also called as _______
Bilateral Frog Leg Position
Thigh abduction / angulation in Modified Cleaves method may be done from _______ degrees
25 - 45 Degrees
Projection of the hip that shows the hip joint
AP Projection
Provide the respective CR for Original and Modified Cleaves Method
Original = 25 - 45 Degrees
Modified = Perpendicular
RP for Modified Cleaves Method
1 inch Superior to the Symphysis Pubis (Hanapin ang Level ng Singit then midway)
Which methods are used to demonstrate the hip joint and the relationship of the femoral head to the acetabulum ?
Lauenstein and Hickey Methods
Modified Cleaves method may be done in a ______ or ______ projection
- Unilateral
- Bilateral
The Axiolateral Projection - Danelius-Miller Method is also called as _______
Cross Table / Surgical-Lateral Projection
Which anatomic part is either superimposed or free from superimposition in the Lauenstein and Hickey Methods ?
Femoral Neck
Provide the corresponding CR for the ff:
Lauenstein =
Hickey =
Lauenstein = Perpendicular
Hickey = 20 - 25 Degrees Cephalad
CR and RP for Danelius-Miller Method
CR = Horizontal
RP = Femoral Neck
Chassard-Lapine Method is alternatively called as _____
Jack Knife Position
An alternative hip projection once the patient is noted to have undergone prosthetic application / bilateral hip arthroplasty
Axiolateral Projection - Clements - Nakayama Modification
An acetabular projection wherein the patient is in RAO / LAO position with the unaffected side is elevated and the MSP is 38 degrees from the table
PA Axial Oblique Projection (Teufel Method)
The Teufel Method allows the visualization of the _______ and the _______ of the acetabulum
- Fovea Capitis
- Superoposterior Wall
CR and RP for Teufel Method
CR = 12 Degrees Cephalad
RP = Acetabulum
A projection the acetabulum indicating the acetabular rim through two 45-degree posterior oblique positions ?
AP Oblique Projection - Judet Method
Complete the ff. position of part provisions for Judet Method:
Internal Oblique = Affected Hip Up
External Oblique = Affected Hip Down
Purposes / evaluated pathologies for Judet Method:
Internal Oblique =
External Oblique =
Internal Oblique = Suspected Fracture of the Iliopubic Column / Posterior Rim of the Acetabulum
External Oblique = Suspected Fracture of the Ilioischial Column / Anterior Rim of the Acetabulum
SS for PA Projection of Anterior Pelvic Bones
- Symphysis Pubis
- Ischia
- Obturator Foramina
RP for Judet Method:
Internal Oblique =
External Oblique =
Internal Oblique = 2 Inches Inferior to ASIS
External Oblique = Symphysis Pubis
RP for Taylor Method
Males = 2 Inches Distal to the Superior Border of Symphysis Pubis
Females = 2 Inches Distal to the Upper Border of the Symphysis Pubis
Projection intended to show rami without foreshortening
AP Axial “Outlet” Projection (Taylor Method)
A projection almost identical to the superoinferior axial “inlet” projection wherein the pubic bones, ischial bones, and symphysis pubis are demonstrated
PA Axial “Inlet” Projection (Staunig Method)
CR for Staunig Method
35 Degrees Cephalad
CR for Taylor Method
Males = 20 - 35 Degrees Caudad
Females = 30 - 45 Degrees Cephalad
SS for AP / PA Oblique Projections of the Ilium
AP Oblique = Unobstructed Ala, Sciatic Notches, and Acetabulum
PA Oblique = Ilium, Femoral Head within the Acetabulum
Degree of elevation of the unaffected side for AP / PA Oblique Projection of the Ilium
40 Degrees
A cleaves modification wherein both legs are forcibly abducted 45 degrees with appreciable inward rotation of the femur
Andren - Von Rosen Approach
They described the construction of a device that controlled the abduction and rotation of both limbs.
Knake - Kuhns