Skull Flashcards
▪️most anterior bone - forehead, top part of optical cavity, zygomatic process, bone part of sinus
▪️forms as 2 parts but fuses at 8th year of life
▪️back of eye socket
▪️connects to zygomatic bone, frontal bone, temporal bone, parietal bone, ethmoid bone and palatine bone.
▪️small bone
▪️where tears drain out- inner corner of eye socket
▪️connected to maxilla, ethmoid, palatine and sphenoid bones.
▪️part of eye socket
▪️connected to lacrimal, sphenoid, frontal and palatine bones.
Zygomatic (maylar )
▪️cheek bone
▪️prone to fracture if hit
▪️connected to frontal, temporal, maxilla and sphenoid bones.
▪️houses upper teeth
▪️forms roof of mouth
▪️hollow parts due to sinus
▪️only movable part- mastication
▪️houses lower teeth
▪️connects to temporal via Temporomandibular Joint.
▪️crown of head at the side
▪️connects to frontal, sphenoid, temporal, occipital bones
▪️back of the skull
▪️connects to sphenoid, parietal, temporal and atlas vertebrae.
Inferior Nasal Concha
▪️thin bone
▪️arises from maxilla
▪️lined by mucosa allowing air to warm up before entering body
▪️connected to maxilla
▪️Splits nasal cavity in half from the bottom
▪️connects to sphenoid, ethmoid, palatine and maxilla bones
▪️aids formation of nasal cavity and top of back of mouth
▪️connects to maxilla, inferior nasal concha, sphenoid and ethmoid bones
▪️temple of head
▪️connects to parietal, sphenoid, mandible and occipital bones.
Top of skull
▪️coronal suture going horizontally- border of frontal and parietal bones.
▪️Sagittal suture going vertically- splits parietal bones in 2.
▪️bregma- intersection of coronal and sagittal sutures (soft spot in babies)
▪️lambdoid suture going horizontally- border of parietal and occipital bones.
▪️lambda- intersection of sagittal and lambdoid sutures.
▪️sutural bone- very small bones located within the sutural joints between the cranial bones of the skull- when interlocking parts of suture breaks off and regrows.
Cranial Fossae
▪️anterior cranial fossa- frontal lobes of brain
▪️middle cranial fossa- temporal lobes of the brain and pituitary gland
▪️posterior cranial fossa- occipital lobe and cerebellum