Skin Infections and Infestations Flashcards
what are characteristics of impetigo?
common, highly contagious
most common bacterial infection
what are predosposing factors for impetigo?
warm temperature, high humidity
- Poor hygiene
- Skin trauma
what is the organism responsible for impetigo?
staph aureus
what is the treatment for impetigo?
Local wound care
Topical antibiotics
what is folliculitis?
Infection of the hair follicule
what is the infectious cause of folliculitis?
what are the predisposing factors of folliculitis?
occlusion, maceration and hyperhydration, shaving or waxing, topical corticosteroids and diabetes.
where are you likely to get folliculitis?
Face, chest, back, axillae or buttocks
how may you identify the causative organism?
bacterial cultures
what is the treatment of folliculitis?
antibacterial washes
antibacterial ointments
what is erysipelas?
Infection of the dermis with lymphatic involvement
whats the most common causative organism for erysipelas?
group A streptococci.
whos most likely to get erysipelas?
Disease of the very young, the aged, the debilitated and those with lymphedema or chronic cutaneous ulcers.
what sre the symptoms of erysipelas?
The affected skin feels hot, tense and indurated.
Face, lower extremities
fever, chills, malaise and nausea
how would you diagnose erysipelas?
clinical, Lab may show an elevated leukocyte count with a left shift.
what is the treatment of erysipelas?
10-14 day course of penicillin
what is cellulitis?
Infection of the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue caused most commonly by Str.pyogenes and S.aureus
what are signs and symptoms of cellulitis?
Affected area shows rubor (erythema), calor (warmth), dolor (pain) and tumor (swelling)
Lesion has ill-defined, non-papable borders.
Children: head and neck, adults: extremities
how would you diagnose cellulitis?
clinical. Leukocyte count is usually normal and blood cultures are negative in most cases
what is the treatment of cellulitis?
Antibiotics (depending on systemic symptoms and gravity, also risks factors
what is syphilis and how is it caused?
Complex sexually transmittedinfection(STI) caused by thebacteriaTreponema pallidum.
what are the symptoms of syphilis?
Widespreadrashand ‘flu-like symptoms
what are the symptoms of primary syphilis?
Initially syphilis appears as a painless sore (ulcer) where theinfectionentered (usually around the genitals, anus or mouth) and may go unnoticed. The sore is known as a chancre.
Single small firm red painlesspapulequickly ulcerates