Skill Approach
Most famous researcher of this Model:
- Katz
Most important:
- leaders flexibility
- Shift from innate, stable personality characteristics (trait approach) to learnable skills
Principle Approach: 3 Skills (Katz)
1. Technical Skill:
- knowledge about a special type of work deals with things
2. Human skill:
- knowledge and ability to work with people
3. Conceptual Skill:
- ability to work with ideas and concepts (creating a vision, plan)

Capability Model: 5 Components (Mumford, Zacaro & Harding)
1. Individual Attributes
a) General cognitive ability:
* intelligence, way to deal with information
b) Crystallized Cognitive ability:
* learning over time from experience
c) Motivation:
* willingness, dominance, committed to social good of organization, contains a little bit of frustration
d) Personality:
* virtues, character
2. Competencies
a) Problem-solving skills:
* Removing obstacles, creative ability to solve new and unusual, ill-defined organizational problems in sustainable way
b) Social Judgement skills:
* perspective taking, social perceptiveness, behavioral flexibility, social performance understanding people
c) Knowledge:
* expert power, define and attempt to solve complex problems
3. Leadership Outcome
a) Effective problem solving:
* originality in problem solving, solving problems in an effective, unique and logical way -
b) Leader’s performance :
* successful or not?
4. Career Experiences
- influence Individual Attributes and Competencies
5. Environmental Influences
- influence all three Components

Strengths & Weaknesses of the Skill Aproach
- Focus on obtainable skills
- Conceptualized structure for leaders
- Intuitively appealing
- Extensive view of leadership
- Predominantly based on army data
- Beyond boundaries of leadership
- Weak in predictive value
- claims not to be a trait model when individual attributes are trait-like