- Emerged from Red Ocean Marketing
Start point: Huge gap between followers potential and realized talent/energy
- followers are unsatisfied with leader and have more potential than demanded
Challenge for leader:
- Evaluate potential to help followers realize talents and give them energy for tasks
New Definition of Leadership:
- Leadership can be tought of as a service! Employees in an organization can buy it or not, they are like customers of the leader
4 Key Differences to conventional approaches
1. Strong focused on acts and activites
- leaders need to boost up team’s motivation and business reults
2. Closely connected to market realities
- focus on the people who are facing market realities
- (“people on the front”)
3. Distributes Leadership across all management levels
- calls for leader profiles that are tailored to levels’ very different task and environments
4. Pursue high impact leadership acts and activities on low cost
4 Execution Principles (Feature of the process)
1. Approach that fosters engagement / *Engagement*
- concrete visual framework in which followers can discuss targets for leader (benchmark)
2. Explanatory elements / *Explanation*
- content of Canvas, as-is, to-be, etc.
3. Expectations are clear / *Expectations clarity*
- transparent process that brings out “to-be Canvasses”
- (more transparency & clarity)
4. Transformational process
- You don’t need transformation of personality, only change in way of doing the task
Blue Ocean Leadership Tool
Leadership canvasses
- Analytical visual tool that shows how managers at each level invest time/effort as perceived by their subordinates
- Process takes a couple weeks
- followers present as-is and to-be canvasses on a meeting
Democratic process
- Majority wins!
- Leaders need to serve customers and not just work in own interest to get promotions

Blue Ocean Leadership Tool
Blue Ocean Leadership Grid
- Eliminate
- Reduce
- Raise
- Create

Steps Of Blue Ocean Leadership
1. See your leadership reality
- defining leadership-canvasses (charts)
- analytic visuals that show how managers invest their time
- Develop alternative leadership profiles
* teams explore now what effective leadership profiles look like at each of the three levels - Select “to-be” leadership profiles
–> gives concrete visual framework
From Blue Ocean Strategy to Blue Ocean Leadership
The same way that blue oceans create new markets…
- Blue Ocean Leadership unleashes oceans of untapped talend and energy of employees
Blue Ocean Leadership Tool
Leadership canvasses