SKILL ACQ Flashcards
Massed practice
continious practice without rest periods
when to use massed practice
- discrete skills
- closed skills
- self paced skills
- simple skills
distributed practice
practice with rest periods
when to use distributed practice
- continous skill
- complex skill
- serial skill
- low organisation skill
- dangerous skill
- externally paced
- open skill
variable practice
practicing skills in a constantly changing environment
when to use variable practice
- open skill
- externally paced skill
- complex skill
mental practice
going over a skill in the mind without moving internal and external
when to use mental practice
- complex skill
- serial skill
cognitive stage of learning
performer begins to create clear mental image, many mistakes are made through trial and error, movements are uncoordinated and jerky, has to think about skill
cognitive stage feedback
- reliant on extrinsic feedback
- should be positive
- knowledge of results so actions are repeated
associative stage of learning
makes fewer mistakes, movements smoother and more coordinated, focus on finer aspects of skill, motor programmes are developing, some never past this stage
associative stage feedback
- begins to develop kinaesthesia uses intrinsic
- extrinsic to refine mistakes
- knowledge of performance
autonomous stage of learning
movements are fluent, efficient and habitual. Executed automatically and motor programmes fully formed.
autonomous stage feedback
- intrinsic
- extrinsic
- knowledge of performance to know why an action was unsuccessful
learning plateaus
period during performance where there is no improvement.
causes of learning plateaus
- loss of motivation
- fatigue
- limit of ability reached
- poor coaching
- incorrect goal set
solutions of learning plateaus
- set new challenges
- use variable practice
- offer rewards
- allow rest
- compete against others of same ability
- variety of coaching methods
- set goals using smarter principles
open skill
when the environment is stable so skill performed same way everytime
closed skill
environment unstable and changing so player adapt to situation.
gross skill
large muscle groups used to perform skill
fine skill
small muscles used for skill
self paced skill
perfromer in control of speed and timing if skill
externally paced skill
performer hs no control over speed and timing of skill
highly organised skill
hard to break down into subroutines due to speed
low organisation skill
easily broken into parts and can be practiced in isolation
simple skill
limited decision making required
complex skill
several decisions to be made
discrete skill
clear beginning and end one distinct action
serial skill
number of skills performed together sequentiallu
continious skill
no clear beginning and end movement is cyclical
visual guidance
demonstration makes clear mental image and can be used in conjucntion with verbal
verbal guidance
instructs and explains skill useful for advanced perfromers
manual guidance
coach used own body to support performer useful for cognitive performers during danger
mechanical guidance
any equiptment used to aid movement
types of feedback
- intrinsic
- extrinsic
- positive
- negative
- knowldeg of results
- knowledge of performance
whitings model of info processing
display, receptor systems, perceptual mechanism, translatory mechanism, effector mechanisms, muscular system, output data and feedback data
perceptual mechanism WM
judgement is made including DCR process detection, comparison and recognition. Selective attention occurs.
translatory mechanisms WM
decision is made on what action to perform with help of previous info motor programme selected
effector mechanisms WM
imulses sent to relevant msucles
effective storage of memory
Chunking, mental rehearsal, reinforcement, enjoyable, linking, chaining and meaningful
reaction time definition
time from onset of stimulus to onset of response. Simple and Choice
movement time definition
onset of movement to completion of task
response time defintion
reaction time plus movement time
hicks law
impact of choice reaction time. Number of choices increases reaction time
temporal and spatial
single channel hypothesis
we can only process one piece of information at a time
psychological refractory period
delay in processing when 2 stimuli arrive at same time
recall schema
Stores info about and initiates the movement. initial conditions and response specifications
recognition schema
Controls and evaluates the movement. sensory consequences and response outcome