INJURY Flashcards
Quantitative data
Contains facts or numbers
Qualitative data
Descriptive data and looks at the way people feel or think
Objective data
Based upon facts and is measurable
Subjective data
Based on personal opinion and beliefs
When test measures what its meant to
Test can be repeated accurately
How to ensure reliability:
- tester should be experienced
- equiptment stardardised
- repition of test should be possible to avoid human error
Acute injury defintion
Sudden injury caused by specific impact sharp pain felt immediately
Chronic injury defintion
Occurs due to exercisibg for a long time overuse injury
Acute injuries examples
Fractures, dislocations, strain and sprain
Break in a bone. Types of fractures simple/closed and compound/open.
Simple/closed fracture
Clean break to bone that doesnt penetrate ghe skin or damage sourounding tissue
Compound/open fracture
Soft tissue or skin is damaged. More serious due to risk of infection
Occurs when ends of bones are forced out of position. Occurs at joints
Pulled muscle. Muscle fivres are stretched too far or tear
Occurs to ligaments when they stretch to far
Types of chronic injuries
Achillies tendonitis, stress fracture and tennis elbow
Achillisis tendonitis
Pain and inflamation of tendon. Achilles tendon connects gastrocnemius to heel bone.
Stress fracture most likely occurs
In weight bearing bones of legs when there is an increase in wmount or intensisty of exercise
Stress fractures
Muscles become fatugued so cant absorb the added shock of exercise. So it transfers stress overload onto bone and causes a crack . Area become tender and swollen.
Tennis elbow occurs in
Muscles attached to elbow used to straighten wrist
Tennis elbow
Fhe muscles and tendon become inflamed and tiny tear occur on outside of elbow. Area becomes sore and tender.
- detects problems early on
- highlihts current or past injuries
- not 100% accurate
- increased anxiety
Injury prevention methods
- Screening
- Protective equiptment
- Warm up
- flexibikity training
- Taping and bracing
Flexibility training
Active stretching, passive stretching and ballistic stretching
Active stretching
Stretched position is held by contraction of agonist muscle
Passive stretchibg
Oxcurs with help of external force such as another part of body, partner or wall
Ballistic stretching
Performing a stretch with swinging or bouncing movements to push body part rven furthrr
- support + stability
- kineasology tape is used in muscles as its more elastic than tape used on joints ut provides controller suppory as it expands as musclr contracts
Involves himged joints gives extra stability to muscles and joknts that are weak or previously injured
Proprioceptive training
Hopping, jumping and bluncing to restore lost proprioception and teach body to control position of an injured joint subconsciously.
Strength training
Prepares body for exercise reducing risk of injury
Hyperbaric chamber
- pressurised with 100% oxygen
- increased amount of o2 breathed in
- diffuses into injured area
- excess o2 dissolves into blodd where it can reduce swilling and pressure to injured area
- increases white blood cell activity
- increases blood supply at injured area
Cold temperatures such as RICE analgesic effect and limits pain and swelling by reducing blood flow to injured area
- Warm water 35-37 degrees
- improves blood circulation
- relieves pain and relaxes muscle
- buoyancy of water supports body weight so you can do more exercise than on ground
Methods of recovery
- Compression garments
- massage
- foam rollers
- cold therapy
- sleep and nutrition
Methods of injury rehab
- proprioceptive training
- strength training
- hyperbaric chambers
- cryotherapy
- hydrotherapy
Compression garments
Imprive blood circulation and prevbt medical problems such as DVT
Prevent+relieve soft tissue
Massage benefits
- increases blood flow so more oxygen and buttients pass through repair
- removal of lactic acid
- relieve tension
- breakdown of scar tissue which can lead to mobility problems
Foam tollers
Release tension and toghtness in muscle as well as between muscle and fascia
Cold therapy
Ice bath or cryotherapy
Ice baths
5-10 minutes. Cold water causes vasoconstriction . When leave bath vasodilation occurs fludhing lactic acid out
Slee and nutrition
REM deepest sleep blood flow directed from heart to muscles
Replenish glycigen stores thriugh 20 minute window as enhanced exercise next day
3 purposes of screening
- highlight past or current injuries
- indenting muscle inbalances
- identify suitable rehabilitation programme
screening aims to
identify those at risk prepare performers for sport and reduce injury
injury prevention
- protective wear
- flexibilirty training
- warm up
- stretching
- taping and bracing
injury rehabilitation
- hyperbaric chambers
- hydrotherapy
- cryotherapy
- proprioceptive training
- strength training
injury recovery
- compression garmements
- massage
- foam rollers
- cold therapy
- sleep and nutrition
acute injury
- dislocations
- fracture
- sprain
- strain
chronic injury
- tennis elbow
- stress fracture
- achilles tendoinitis