Sketchy Path: Gallbladder and Biliary Disorders Flashcards
Cholesterol stones are what color?
Besides cholesterol, what other gallbladder stones exist?
Billirubin (Black)
What other form does cholesterol take in bile?
Bile salts
also free cholesterol in bile
What enzyme converts cholesterol to bile salts?
7 alpha hydroxylase
rate limiting enzyme
What molecule makes bile more soluble?
What are the classic risk factors to developing cholesterol stones?
The four F's Fat Forty Female Fertile (HIGH ESTROGEN)
How does estrogen effect cholesterol synthesis?
Increases the rate liming enzyme in cholesterol synthesis which is HMG-CoA reductase
What occurs during pregnancy to enhance the formation of cholesterol gallstones?
Progesterone decreases bile motility (increases water reabsorption from bile which concentrates cholesterol)
What GI hormone decreases the motility of the gallbladder?
What form of nutrition increases the risk of cholesterol stones?
TPN esp in kids
Gallbladder does not work efficiently since not being stimulated
What state increases the risk of gallbladder stones? (Fast or Fed)
Black stones occur mostly in what type of pathologies?
Excessive hemolysis causing an increase in conjugated billirubin
Brown stones are a result of what?
Infection of the billiary tree
What causes stones to be brown?
Bacteria from infection unconjugated billirubin causing brown stones
What IBD increases your risk for gallstones?
Crohn’s Disease
esp patients with lesion in the terminal ileum/ileum resection
Which enzyme stimulates the gallbladder to contract?
Inflammation of the gallbladder due to stone persistently obstructing gallbladder outlet is called?
Acute Cholecystitis
What causes gallbladder ischemia in acute cholecystitis?
Gallbladder distension leads to increase intraluminal pressure which compresses vasculature
What is the classic sign in cholecystitis called? How is it performed?
Pt expires compeletly and you palpate the gallbladder then ask to take deep breath- pain on deep inspiration
Acalculous cholecystitis is seen mostly in what types of patients?
Critically ill - ICU pts
caused by stasis without obstruction of the gallbladder
How is chronic cholecystitis diagnosed?
Histology finding of Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus which is a herniation of gallbladder mucosa into muscular wall
What is the term for obstruction of the common bile duct by stone?
what enzymes will be elevated in cholestasis?
Alk Phos (nonspecific)
GGT (sensitive not specific)
Billirubin (specific)
What is the number one cause of acute pancreatitis?
Gallstones getting caught in the ampulla of vater
Ascending Collangitis presents with what symptoms?
Charcot’s Triad
Finding of air in the billiary tree is pathopneumonic for what diagnosis?
Gallstone Ileus
What is the most common malignancy of the gallbladder?
What is the progression to carcinoma in the gallbladder?
Chronic inflammation causes dystropic calcification leading to Porcelain Gallbladder