Sketchy Path: Congenital GI Disorders Flashcards
What symptoms are common with pyloric stenosis?
Projectile non-bilious vomiting after feeding
When does pyloric stenosis present?
1 month of life - takes time for pylorus to become significantly stenosed
(well muscled man feeding baby with stomach bottle)
What do you see on physical exam for pyloric stenosis?
Olive shaped mass and peristalsis can be seen thru abdominal wall
Gastrochesis is defined as what?
Periumblical herniation of the abdominal contents thru the abdominal wall
(Kid with silly string spraying on other kids sotmach)
Omphalocele is defined as?
Failure of the GI content to return to the abdomen
Omphalocele contrasts gastrochesis how?
Omphalocele herniates thru umbilicus (unlike gastrochesis) and is covered by peritoneum (unlike gastrochesis)
(Elephant hand punching thru kids shirt)
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia can cause what in a developing fetus?
Pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary HTN due to compression of the lungs by abdominal organs
(Herniating jack in the box pushes kids lung shirt up)
How to newborn babies present when have congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
Respiratory distress
TE fistulas are a result of what?
Failure of septation of the tracheoesophageal tube
4th-5th week
What is the most common type of TE fistula?
Type C
Esophagus ends in blind pouch
What symptoms can be seen with type C TE?
Non-bilious vomiting
Aspiration pneumonia
Distended abdomen filled with air
When you see a TE fistula need to think of what other congenital Syndrome?
VACTERL Vertebral anomaly Anal/rectal malformation Cardiac Malformation Esophageal malformation Renal anomalies Limb deformity (girl from the slide looks broken)
Duodenal Atresia symptoms include?
Bilious emesis since beyond where bile enters the duodenum
What is the common xray finding in duodenal atresia?
Double bubble sign
two kids playing in the bubbles
Duodenal atresia is assc with what other syndrome?
Down Syndrome
Meckel Diverticulum occurs due to what?
Failure of the viterlline duct to obliterate
Meckel hecklers jeckling the violin player
What usually causes symptoms of a Meckel Diverticulum?
Ectopic tissue usually ectopic gastric mucosa
stomach shaped violen
Most common presenting symptom in infants with Meckel diverticulum?
Melena due to gastric ectopic tissue eroding the mucosa
black tar next to violinist
How is Meckel Diverticulum diagnosed?
Technetium 99m pertechnetate scan picks up ectopic gastric mucosa
(technique book for violinist)
What causes Hirschprungs disease?
Failure of migration of the neural crest cells to the distal colon
(Girl with crest shield on a horse spring ride that is unplugged)
What are the symptoms of Hirschprung’s?
Failure to pass meconium with megacolon proximal to affected area
(dilated coil)
What happens when you stick your finger in a babys rectum with Hirschprung’s disease?
Feces explodes out
When the abdominal contents return to the abdominal cavity during development how much are they rotated?
270 counterclockwise
Malrotation can lead to what forming in the abdominal cavity? What does this cause?
Ladd bands; the cecum is now located in the URQ and still attempts to connect to the retroperitoneum this can cause intestinal obstruction of the duodenum
(Ladd bands constricting little kids stomach and he vomits)
Necrotizing enterocolitis only occurs in what population?
Premature and underweight babies
What is the hypothesized cause of necrotizing enterocolitis?
Immature immune system causes invasion of pathogens when feeding begins
What is the pathopneumonic xray sign for necrotizing enterocolitis?
Pneumotosis intestinalis (air in the bowel wall)